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The omega patiently waited for the alphas to say something. "I'm listening, now tell me"- Louis told them when he saw they weren't planning to continue speaking anytime soon.

"Well I guess I should start explaining that Marcel, Edward and I didn't have normal relationships like everyone else growing up"

"What do you mean? Like, unhealthy relationships? Toxic relationships?"- Both alphas sighed knowing Harry was horribly explaining himself.

"Look, Louis"- Marcel started. "Harry, Edward and I used to date the same people, like, always."- Marcel continued explaining to the confused omega.

"Huh? And didn't you guys notice?"- Harry sighed again, realizing that his brother was even worse at explaining himself than him.

"Louis, we always knew that we all wanted to mate the same omega, together."- Marcel finished explaining, hoping the omega could finally understand and process all this information.

"You see, love, this is very typical in triplets, if the siblings have a strong bond. Which we had."- Harry sadly said, flashbacks of past events running through his mind.

"Had?"- Both alphas sadly nodded. Louis carefully grabbed his boyfriend's hand and looked at him in the eyes.

"You think you can tell me about it?"- The omega softly said, clearly wanting to know how much this affected his boyfriend.

As soon as the omega said this Harry's eyes started to tear up a little. "I don't think Im ready to talk about James yet"-The alpha said, his voice breaking a little. The omega kissed Harry's hand wanting to make him see that it was okay.

"Harry, can I tell him?"-Marcel asked his brother.

"Please do"- Harry fastly replied.

"Well, Louis as you may have imagined, James was our ex boyfriend and as Harry said we were dating him together."- Marcel started saying, just to pause for a few seconds. "Harry and Edward were madly in love with him"- the alpha continued saying.

Louis' felt even more confused at this. "You weren't?"- the omega asked clearly not understanding the situation.

"No I wasn't, I did like him at first, but as soon as I saw how he manipulated my brothers it soonly faded away.

"And did you tell them?"-the omega curiosly asked.

"Of course but they never listened, they were blindly in love. They wouldn't believe a word I said"

"You know I'm sorry, don't you baby brother?"- Harry asked sadly on the edge of crying.

"Of course I do shut up"- Marcel said, containing his laughter because of his brother's sad-puppy-like face he was making. He hugged Harry for a while trying to calm him down, and then continued with the story.

"Well, I'm gonna say this as briefly as I can because this isn't an easy subject to talk about"- the alpha tiredly said, he wanted to finish with this story as soon as possible, Louis nodded. "Uh, Marcel and Harry stopped speaking to me, like at all"- The Alpha took a deep breath before continuing. " And later Harry discovered that he was just using them for their money, because he caught him stealing money from his room" -Marcel continued saying.

The omega gasped when he heard this.

"So Harry and I tried to knock some sense into Edward"

"Didn't work"- Harry's voice completely broke while saying this.Marcel stopped talking and looked worriedly at his brother, asking with his eyes if he could continue. With the strong connection the triplets had, Harry completely understood what he meant and nodded.

"So Edward and Harry had a very big fight, and Edward left home for a while"- Marcel sadly told the omega as he kept looking at his older twin brother.

"And, uh, Edward and I never made up since"- Harry finished telling.

"Oh"- Is all the omega could say. Harry anxiously looked at the omega.

"Lou, I totally understand if you think all of this is just weird and stupid and-"

"Hey, Haz! I'm the one who rambles, not you!"- the omega said in a joking manner trying to relax things a little bit. When Harry heard Louis reply he giggled a little. The omega grabbed Harry's face and kissed his cheek.

"It's completely fine"- Louis assured Harry.

"Really?"- The alpha asked, evidently very surprised at this.

"Of course you dumb alpha! Gosh I'm just destroyed knowing that all of you had to go through all that, okay?"- the omega said, looking at both of the brothers.

"Okay"- Harry simply replied.

"Okay"- Louis repeated smiling like an idiot. Harry crearly mesmerized by the little boy imitated him and smiled even bigger. Marcel felt very left out and also wanted to be a part of their goofiness, but honselty, he found the couple very cute and also smiled.

"You know I love you don't you?"- Harry asked his boyfriend as if it were a mystery.

"Actually-"- The same growling interrupted Louis' speaking, once again, the omega slowly turned to see the clingy alpha walking towards him.

Louis smiled at the sigh. "Oh look who finally decided to show up"- The omega teasingly said to the sleepy alpha he was slowly growing fond of.

Edward didn't say a word or change his expression when he grabbed Louis by his tights and sat on his spot on the sofa, with the omega on his lap of course.

"Hi kitten"- The alpha seriously mumbled to his neck, where he again, was leaving a million kisses. Both Alphas growled at this sigh.

Louis giggled at this. "Kitten?"- He asked, actually curious as to why he called him that.

"Isn't your heat supposed to be over?"- The alpha very anoyed at the amount of atention his boyfriend was giving to Edward asked.

"It obviously is, but unfortunately he will stay this needy for a while, at least for another two hours"- Marcel tried explaining, but the alpha just didn't want to collaborate.

Harry put on a very angry face at this "TWO HOURS?!- He screamed at his brother, not being able to believe it.

"Harry, calm down, we've had a very stressful day already"-The omega said just to kiss his boyfriend's cheek after. Edward obviously growled at this and started kissing all over the already flustered face omega.

"Okay, so why don't we get ready for dinner, huh?- Marcel suggested trying to make the whole circumstance less tense.

Harry sighed at this. "That's the best idea I've heard the whole day"- The alpha added stressfully. This sure was going to be a long holiday, Louis thought.

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