Chapter 5

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"Mother?" My voice creeps out like a whisper. 

            We turn the corner, and Rupert is throwing plates and my mother is on her knees crying.  "Rupert, please! The girls are here. They don't need to see this. I'm sorry."  Her words come out in quick breaths. 

            He turns and notices us and his glare shoots through me.  "Maybe they should learn from this."  He lets out a chuckle.

            "You stop it right now! I will not let you treat me like this, especially in front of my girls!" She stands from her original position.

            I hear myself scream, and Drizella grips tightly onto my hand, as Rupert slaps my mother across her cheek.  "Don't talk to me like that!  Ever again!" He slaps her again and pushes her onto the floor.

            "Stop please!" I yell, tears rolling down my cheek.  I hear a noise from upstairs, and Cinderella comes sprinting down the stairs.  She looks as shocked as I am when she sees her raging father. 

            He notices his terrified audience, but he doesn't stop.  I notice the bottle of alcohol sitting on the table, half empty.  My mother looks up at me and I can see the fear in her eyes.  "Girls, just leave. Please."

            "We're not going to leave you!" Drizella yells, her voice trembling.

            "Get upstairs now!" My mother screeches, as Rupert throws another punch.

            Drizella grabs my arm, and drags me up the stairs.  Cinderella follows us, without saying a word, and she disappears into her room.  Drizella closes our door and slips into her bed. 


  "We can't just leave her there!" I am so angry, angry at Rupert, angry at Drizella for pulling me away, and angry at my mother for telling us leave. 

            Drizella shuts off the light.  "Anastasia, there's nothing we can do.  Just sleep."

            How could she act like she doesn't care about what is happening? I could go down there and hit him in the head with a frying pan and I'm sure he would stop.  I don't understand. Just yesterday and after all this time he was so kind and respectable to my mother.  And now, what is he doing? And why?  She didn't even do anything at all.  My mind drifts off to think what will happen tomorrow.  Maybe I should just sleep, I don't hear yelling anymore.  

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