Chapter 6

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 I wake up the next morning, and slowly my realization of everything that happened returns.  I jump out of my bed, and notice that Drizella is still asleep.  I remember that she forced me to come upstairs after what we witnessed, so I decide to not wake her up.  I run to the kitchen and there is no one there, and there is no evidence of the broken dishes last night.  I notice that Rupert's coat and shoes are gone, he must've left for work already.  I go to check the garden, and I see my mother kneeling in the grass, watering her daisies.  She is humming.

            "Mother?" I walk towards her, careful not to step on any flowers.  She turns to look at me, smiles, and places her hand on my foot.  She doesn't say anything, she just continues humming and watering her flowers.  Seeing her warm smile, I never would've knew what she had been through last night.

            I kneel beside her.  "What happened? Are you okay?"

            She doesn't turn away from her garden.  "Oh, Anastasia.  I was wrong, I started dinner without him and I was simply punished for it.  I know he went a little too far, but he won't do it again.  I know that he won't, he was drinking and had a bad day.  I promise you, it'll be okay and yes I'm okay." 

            I shake my head and look at her in disappointment.  Who was this person?  My mother was strong and courageous, according to my father.  How could she let this man get away with it?  I look into my mother's eyes, and even though a kind smile is drawn across her face, her eyes display that she is terrified.  I feel sad, but I've never felt this kind of sad before.  It's not the type of sad I felt when I lost my favourite doll, or when Cinderella broke my music box, or even when my father left us.  It's the kind of sad where you look at your mother, the most important person to you, and you just know how hurt and terrified she is, and you know that there is absolutely nothing you can do to help her.  Even after everything she has done for you, there's just nothing you can do but watch her in pain.  Watch her pretend like nothing even happened.

            "I promise, it'll be okay." She answers my thoughts. 

            I walk back into the house, and turn back once more to see my mother humming in her garden.  I go back upstairs to tell Drizella how ridiculous mother is acting, and a familiar golden mane appears in front of my eyes.  She looks up at me, and it looks almost like she's going to apologize to me. But nothing comes out of her mouth.

            "It's okay." I offer.

            Her calm eyes disappear, and I can feel her scowling at me.  "What, did you think I would apologize?"  She almost laughs.

            "Oh, I don't know.  I mean it's not your fault but, I don't know, sorry." I stutter.

            She shakes her head. "You know your mother deserved that.  For whatever reason it was, she obviously deserved it.  If you want to feel sorry for her go ahead, because I won't.  She probably did something stupid, and now she learned her lesson.  No harm done."

            I realize that I no longer care to please my mother and always be kind to this cruel, beautiful girl who hates me for no reason.  I don't care for things to work out anymore, I don't want to be anywhere near that disgusting man or his bitter daughter. 

            "How dare you! How dare you come into my house, take my room, treat me terribly after I try so hard to be kind, and then have the nerve to say my mother deserved to be abused!  No one deserves that, not even you!"  I take a deep breath. 

            She laughs.  "You know what, Anastasia? You're looking uglier than usual."  

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