Chapter 16

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(Sorry that it's been so long since I've updated this book... I got caught up with school and just everything else. I am going to do my best to eventually finish this story).

Mother rented a big, fancy carriage with gold trimming and little jewels that sparkled in the light. She was determined that everything had to be perfect, and frankly I was just hoping nothing would go wrong. Arriving to the ball in my beautiful dress, and a beautiful carriage, I felt almost like a princess.

I still felt bad that Cinderella had to stay home, but it was honestly for the best. Mother was being overly harsh, but I couldn't decide if Cinderella deserved it or not.  Anyways, the officer probably would've recognized her and that would've went really badly.

The carriage pulled into the front gates of the royal castle, along with the other hundred of carriages and wagons in front of us, waiting to enter the ball.  I couldn't contain my excitement, I had never been to anything so important before. Drizella squeezed my palm, "You really look beautiful." She whispered.

I blushed. "So do you."

Mother remained silent in her seat until finally it was our turn to exit the carriage.  A man dressed up in a frilly suit and hat escorted us to the front door and handed us three masks.  "Make sure to put these on before you enter. Enjoy the ball!"

I held the mask in my hand, feeling confused.  How would I find Charming if I wouldn't even be able to recognize him? "Wait, why do we have to wear these?" I yelled after the man.  He looked back quickly but continued walking and mumbled a few words. "The prince likes mysteries."

In my expectations of tonight, I was hoping that we would be announced and that everyone would stare in awe as we walked down the royal staircase.  But I guess since there were so many 'common' people, they didn't feel that it was necessary.  

There were beautiful lights that draped from the beautiful, painted ceilings.  Sketched angels and flowers were spread across the top, and joined together in the centre where an intense, glowing diamond chandelier was hung. It looked like it was straight out of the page of a fairy-tale book. 

The foyer was overfilling with hundreds of different embellished silky fabrics and glitter. Everybody looked so magical , you never would've been able to tell that half of us were just regular people waiting for our happily ever after. 

"Wow, I think I am going to remember all of this forever." I giggle and pinch Drizella's arm. 

Mother grabs a clear glass off a tray from a man with a goat-styled mask. "Thank you, sir." I can tell that she's trying to sound like she's royalty. He nods and walks away, gesturing his tray towards every one he passes.

Two girls in puffy, pink gowns pause next to us. "Nice hair." One laughs, and they drift away. 

A heated force overpowers my entire body and I can feel my cheeks turning crimson. I rush my finger tips to the top of my head. "Oh no. I better go fix it, I'll be back."

I sprint to the nearest powder room, a little excited to see how fancy they can possibly make a room for the toilet.  I slip in the door and head straight for the mirror. My red hair is flying in all sorts of directions and it looks like I just came back from a wrestling match. "It doesn't matter how much product I put on my face and in my hair. I'm never going to look like those other girls." I complain to myself, trying to use the 'royal' tap water to tame my locks. 

"Maybe the water is infused with caviar or something." I whisper to myself.

I eventually give up on my hair, and decide to embrace the messy-look. I begin to make my way back to Drizella and Mother, when I push through the door of the powder room and end up crashing into someone else. 

I look up and recognize a familiar smile. "Charming? Is that you?" 

He looks back at me, adjusting his mask, and smiles. "Nope, not Charming. But I definitely make some great croissants." He winks.

"I didn't even recognize you, I'm sorry. I've just been so nervous hoping that I run into Charming tonight." I blushed.

He laughs. "Don't worry, I don't even know why I came to this. I was just about to go hide in the restroom. You know I heard that their toilets cost almost as much as my entire bakery?" 

I grab his arm. "That's literally what I was thinking of! Do you want to come with me to meet my mother and sister? They're around here somewhere."

He nods. "Sure, let's go."

We finally meet back up with Drizella and Mother. Mother seems uninterested in the baker, but she tries to be polite. I was just thankful that she was out and socializing with anyone other than the cat. The royal horn begins to play, and everyone turns their head towards the royal staircase. 

The prince begins to descend the staircase. He goes on to make a speech about how thankful he is to have everyone here. Yet, all I can think about is tearing his mask off. Could is really be the same man that I met by the fountain?

The prince begins to make rounds, introducing himself to as many 'common' people as he can. I impatiently stand around, waiting to speak with him at the first chance I get.

He finally approaches us, and he shakes our hands. "Hello, thank you all for coming. How are you enjoying everything?" 

"Charming?" I blurt out.

His eyes light up and he begins to laugh. "No way, is that really you?"

My heart drops. Drizella and Mother stare at me, then stare back at the prince.

"It's me, Anastasia. We met at the fountain?" I whisper. Maybe he is getting me confused with somebody else.

He nods with a smile. "How could I forget that red hair? I can't believe you are here. Did you know who I was?"

I shake my head. "No, I honestly had no idea. It wasn't until someone mentioned that you had the same name as the prince. And then with the masks... I wasn't sure if I would ever find out." 

He pulls me aside to remove his mask, and I see that flashing smile again. "I only made everyone wear masks so that I could talk to you without you knowing who I was."

I giggle. "Well now I know."

He looks back up to the top of the staircase and a skinny man with one spectacle is gesturing for him to follow. He looks back at me and grabs my hand. "I have to go finish making rounds. Meet me right in this spot when the last song comes on?"

"Of course." My words slip out. As if anyone would say anything else to a prince. 

My excitement overwhelms me, but I can't help to wonder what Cinderella is doing back at home.

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