Chapter 13

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I begin to exhaust myself, searching every inch of the town for Cinderella.  I decide to just wait by the fountain and hope that maybe Drizella can decide what to do when she gets back. 

A familiar blonde mane flashes before my eyes.  "Well that wasn't fun."  Cinderella says, out of breath.

"What the heck was that? Why was he chasing you?" The words tumble out of my mouth so quickly, it sounds like a bunch of mumbled gibberish. 

"He was chasing me, because I took this." She points to the little flower clip that's almost fallen out of her hair.

"Why didn't you just tell him it was an accident?" I look around, making sure the officer isn't anywhere near by.

"It wasn't an accident.  I know what I did, why else would I run?" She says, as if my question was stupid.

"Wait, so you actually stole it?"  My voice grows confused and angry.

She rolls her eyes.  "It's not a big deal, I do it all the time, calm down."

"And do you usually get chased by the palace officers?"  I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders.  "No, but he didn't catch me so who cares."

"He's still going to remember what you look like."  I suggest.

            "He probably will, but it's not like I come to town often.  What's your problem? I thought we were getting along well." She spits.

            Drizella interrupts before I have the chance to answer, and we walk back home in silence.  When we reach home, there's an invitation sitting on the front door step, with a royal seal stamped on it. 

            "Mother, get down here! You're not going to believe this!"  Drizella yells, as she tears apart the envelope, revealing a thick piece of paper. 

            "I'm right here, dear." Mother coos from the kitchen table, while stroking Lucifer who sits on her lap.

            "Mother, we have been invited to the Royal palace for the annual ball next week!  They've invited everyone in the village!"  Drizella is overwhelmed with excitement.

            "The Royal Palace?" Mother jumps out of her chair, and spins Drizella around in a dance.  "Girls, we are going to have the most wonderful time."

            Excitement builds within me.  Will Charming be there? I guess I'll finally be able to find out if he really is the prince like Cinderella had suggested.  I have to look my best if I want him to even notice me among all of the other girls with beautiful expensive dresses that I could never afford. 


"What will we wear?" Drizella asks, as if she has just read my mind.

            "I'm sure we can make something if we all work together.  You've been working with the seamstress a lot, and Cinderella has a lot of books about sewing."  I suggest.

            "Anastasia, you're finally going to see the prince again!" Cinderella chimes.

            "The prince?" Mother and Drizella ask in unison.

            I blush.  "Well, I don't know if he is really the prince.  Honestly, I'd prefer if he wasn't.  Then I wouldn't feel so nervous."

            My mother shakes her head and joins her hands with mine.  "Nonsense, you should be grateful! You are going to marry the prince, I will make sure of it, and we're all going to live in the castle and we will finally be happy!"

            I sigh.  "I don't want it to be like that..."

            "Fine then, Drizella can marry him instead." Mother snaps with a smirk.  I can't tell if she's joking or being serious.

            "Don't feel pressured or nervous.  We will approach him if that will make it seem less scary.  You're going to get your happy ending." Cinderella says, sweetly. 

            My heart sinks when I realize what I am forced to say next.  "Cinderella, you can not go to the ball."

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