Chapter 17

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And just like that, the music begins. Trumpets, violins, flutes, and any type of fancy instrument you could think of. The orchestra begins to play, but as I watch the performers I can't help but think that they're all just trying to overpower each other. I look over to the side, and I see the Baker and he smiles and waves at me.

I can't help but be distracted, looking around the room, waiting for Charming to show up again. Is it stupid that I'm just waiting around for him? 

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around to Drizella mumbling something that I can barely hear over the music. "What?" I ask.

"Look." She blurts, as she points towards the direction of the staircase.

My eyes trace up every curve in each step, all the way up to a familiar blonde mane.  I can barely make out her figure due to the overwhelming amount of blue tulle and glitter that seems to absorb her body. She's wearing a mask like the rest of us, but that doesn't stop me from knowing exactly who she is. "What is she doing here?..." I whisper.

Drizella shakes her head. "She must have heard somehow that it's a masked ball, and that way no one would be able to recognize her from when she stole. And where did she get that dress?... I really hope mother doesn't see her."

She begins to descend the staircase, and a little sparkle emerges in the corner of my eye. Glass slippers. She is wearing glass slippers. And the only pair of glass slippers I had ever seen were the ones that Mother received from my father on their wedding day.

My heart sinks. "Did you see that? Her shoes? Are those? But -" 

Drizella grabs my arm. "Did she take those from Mother's room?"

My head is flying in circles, as I search for Mother, hoping that she hasn't noticed Cinderella and her new shoes. "She wouldn't... I mean, how could she?"

Drizella scrunches her eyebrows together. "See, I knew she didn't care for us all along. You were always trying to be nice to her and help her when I told you from the beginning that she's not a good person. And look, now she's stolen something from mother, something that means more to her than anything. And why? Just to spite her?"

I sigh. I don't want to believe that Drizella is right about Cinderella. I want to believe that she is kind, and sad, and a good person that sings along with birds and gets lost in her books. I always thought she wasn't so different from Drizella and I. She had lost her mother young, and she was an only child so maybe she was just lonely. Yes, she was mean to me at first, but there were moments when I could see that she was just putting up a front. Maybe because she was just afraid to get hurt or abandoned. I know I act like that sometimes. But maybe Drizella is right, maybe Cinderella isn't good at all and I have just been trying to fix everything for no reason. 

"I guess so." Is all I can manage to say. 

As Cinderella descends from the staircase, I can tell that all eyes are on her. It's not just her unique, glass footwear that is attracting so much attention, but of course, it's Cinderella's pure beauty that makes us all want to be in her presence. Once she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she starts to walk towards a man and she taps him on the shoulder. When he turns around, I know exactly who he is. Charming. I guess there really wasn't any point on making everyone wear masks when I can clearly tell who everyone is.

"She- she's with Charming." I whisper.

Drizella stands on her tippy toes to try and spot our blonde step-sister. "Oh no."

"Do you think she's going to say something to him?" I ask. I honestly have no idea what she could have to say to him.

Drizella shrugs. "Who knows. I'm going to go find mother." She says, as she stomps off.

Once I'm left alone, a slow ballad beings to play, and before I know it, the ballroom is filled with dancing couples. I turn around to a tap on the shoulder. "Did you maybe want to dance?" The Baker asks with his cheeks flushed.

"Um, sure." I say with a smile.

We begin to dance, and it's nice. It's the first time I've ever danced with a boy, or I guess I should say a man. I mean, besides when my father would let me dance on his feet while Mother sang. But I can't help but think about what Cinderella was saying to Charming. And where was Charming now? I thought that he had wanted to dance with me.

"Everything okay?" The Baker asks me.

I nod my head. "I'm just worried because Cinderella showed up here when she was supposed to stay home, and she stole my mother's shoes." I realize how silly it sounds once I say it out loud.

"What do you mean she was supposed to stay home?" He asks. He has always been such a great listener.

"I know it sounds stupid. But, she caused some trouble and we decided that it would be best if she stayed home." I say.

"So she stole your mother's shoes? What's so special about them?" He asks.

"Well, they were given to her by my father on their wedding day. They are very special to her, and she refuses to let anyone wear them, including herself. Not even to just try them on. She just keeps them in a box, hidden in her room. She used to look at them everyday, but who knows what she does now." I explain. 

"Well, you should make sure Cinderella gets them back before your mother notices. Maybe tell her to leave the ball early?" He suggests.

I nod. "That's a good idea, I will ask her to do that."

When I look around the room for Cinderella, that's when I spot them. Cinderella and Prince Charming, dancing away in the centre of the room, like a fairytale ending.  She's smiling and laughing, and so is he. What is she saying that's so funny? Why hasn't he tried to come find me? 

When the song ends, I march my way over the Cinderella. 

"What are you doing here?" I whisper to her.

She turns around and smirks. "Hello, stepsister."

"Why are you here and why are you wearing my mother's shoes?" I am yelling now. 

She looks around as if she's embarrassed of my tone with her. "Would you relax? I'm here because I wanted to come to the ball and I wasn't going to let you guys lock me up at home. And I took her shoes because I had nothing else to wear and after how she treated me, I will wear whatever I wish." 

"Why are you with charming?" I ask.

"We were just talking, I think we really hit it off." She says.

"But, you know that I like him. Why would you do that?" I ask quietly. 

"Well actually, I was talking to him about you at first. But I don't know, things kind of just really clicked for us. And just because you guys met once by a fountain, doesn't mean you two are married. He's a prince, Anastasia, you can't expect him to be 'yours'. He doesn't belong to you, or anyone. Every single girl here wants him." She spits. 

She is interrupted by another song beginning to play. "Well, I guess I better go try and find him."

As she walks away I grab her by the arm. "You have to leave here by midnight. The ball doesn't end until 12:30, which will give you enough time to get home before us and put my mother's shoes back into the box before she notices. I do not want to see what will happen when she sees you wearing them." 

I wasn't trying to help her, I was done helping Cinderella. This was for my Mother. 

"Fine, I'll be out of here by midnight before my dress turns into a pumpkin." She says sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

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