Chapter 20

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(Sorry it's been so long. Please vote and comment! I am determined to finish this story!)

Cinderella rushes towards Charming and throws herself into his arms. "Thank goodness you found me, I thought I was never going to get out of there!"

Charming looks over to me and shakes his head. "Get out of where?"

Fake tears start to pool at the corner of her perfect, blue eyes. "They locked me in the attic, they didn't want you to find me." 

"Please Charming, please let me explain. It's not what it sounds like." I plead.

He surprisingly agrees and pulls me off to the side. "That sounds a little over dramatic... even for you. So go ahead and attempt to explain yourself."

We walk towards the forest trail, and I glance back at Cinderella who is walking towards the man with the spectacle. I take a deep breath and I explain the entire story to him while we walk. Rupert, the stealing, the shoes, everything. 

"So that is the honest truth. You can believe it or not but that's everything that happened and I know how it sounds but we really aren't the villains." I say.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, and then he stops walking. He grabs my hand and looks right at me, "I believe you. And even with everything, it's you that I like, Anastasia. It's you that I feel like I can talk to about anything." 

"Really?" He has to be lying. How could anyone actually choose me over somebody as perfect as Cinderella?

He smiles and nods. "I guess we better go tell everyone." 

As we arrive back to our little cottage, I don't see Cinderella anywhere outside. "She must've gone back inside." I say.

The man with the spectacle gestures at Charming, and he does not look happy. 

"Just give me a minute, and I'll come in and we can tell her together, okay?" He flashes that perfect smile again and kisses me on the forehead. He gazes at our little cottage, the same way that all of those overdressed girls were looking at the royal castle. "I'm really excited for all of this, it is exactly what I've always wanted." 


(From Charming's perspective)

"What is going on, your highness?" The Grand Duke screeches, as he adjusts his spectacle. 

I look back at the cottage and smile. "We've been looking for the wrong girl."

He shakes his head. "Your little friend told me everything. You know that the King will not approve of this... girl... and it is completely unacceptable for somebody in your position! Do you want to become King or not?"

"I'm not sure if I do... is it so wrong for me to want to have a simple life?" I ask.

He laughs. "So you want to betray your duties as a prince and marry some common girl to live in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere? You know that you can't do that, your father would never allow it." 

"So what if she comes with me to the palace?" I ask.

"There is no amount of primping that could turn that girl into a princess... or a queen. She would never fit in with your family, you would lose the respect of the people." He spits. 

I sigh. "So what you are saying is that I can't come here, and she can't come with me? There has to be some way."

"I have spoken to your father about this before, due to your unpredictable nature in the past. He was very clear, if you choose to marry somebody who is unacceptable you will be completely cut off for good. This life that you imagine, it's not going to be what you think. It's not going to be easy and simple, you don't even know how to function without somebody putting on your shoes for you. No more decadent meals and desserts, servants to shine your shoes, or relaxing in the palace all day. You wouldn't last a day." He says.

"I don't know..." I say. Maybe it wouldn't be as easy as I thought it would be.

"And you don't even know the worst part." He chuckles.

"Well?" I ask, ignoring my pride and the fact that this little man is the most condescending person I've ever met. 

He looks at me and smirks. "You will be nobody. You will be nothing."

I turn away and take a deep breath. 

"Your father would much rather you be with somebody like that beautiful, golden-haired girl who comes from a respectable family... now she could become a queen." The Grand Duke mutters.


(From Anastasia's perspective)

Cinderella is pacing around the room, her foot steps getting louder with each step. "How could you do this to me? Why are you trying to ruin my happiness?"

I shake my head. "You are seriously asking me why I'm trying to ruin your happiness? You already knew that I liked Charming, I've done nothing but try to be nice but I can't just let you lie about me and my family. Now he knows the truth, and I'm sorry Cinderella but you're not going to get your happy ever after. At least not with Charming." 

Cinderella peaks out the window. "Well I guess we will see about that."

The door swings open and Charming bursts in. He is so perfect. He is perfect, and he wants me, Anastasia-

"Cinderella." Charming's voice interrupts my thoughts. 

A worried look masks my face. But he flashes a small smile at me, and my racing thoughts are at peace. 

"Yes?" Cinderella's eyes are beaming.

Charming dodges any eye contact with me. "Cinderella, will you marry me?"

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