Chapter 21

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(Song recommendation for this chapter is 'The Great Secret' from the Cinderella Live Action film. Please vote I appreciate it so much!)

"Yes! Of course, I will!" Cinderella squeals.

I look at Charming. "I don't understand..."

He grabs Cinderella's hand. "We must go to the castle at once. Wait for me in the carriage?"

She nods and beams. She looks exactly like I did a few minutes ago.

I'm really excited for this. It is exactly what I've always wanted.

Charming waits for Cinderella to retreat outside with the Grand Duke and then he gently brushes my hand. "I'm so sorry, Anastasia."

It's you that I like, Anastasia.

"You're sorry?" I laugh.

"You wouldn't understand." He looks away.

It's you that I feel like I can talk to about anything.

"All I ever do is understand!" I scream.

He tries to grab my hand but I pull away. "If I am with you, I will be dismissed of my duty."

"I thought that's what you wanted." I spit.

"I thought I do... I mean I did. But I just can't." He apologizes.

"Why not?" I look into his glowing eyes and I beg them not to lie to me.

"I can't be nothing." He whispers.

"What?" I challenge.

"You are who you are, Anastasia. Royal or not. But me? If I'm not the Prince... If I'm not the King? I'm nobody. And I can't be nobody, I'm sorry." He admits.

"But you would have me." My voice cracks.

He shakes his head and looks down. "It's not enough."

"But she is?" I already know the answer.

He tries to grab my hand again and this time I'm too frozen to stop him. "You're amazing, Anastasia. But you've seen Cinderella... she's perfect. She will make an elegant queen."

She's perfect. The words hit me like a thousand knives piercing my skin.

"I really am sorry. I wish it could be different." He says, and walks out the door.

I fall down to my feet and the breathless sobbing begins. Mother rushes out of the kitchen and holds me like a child. "Oh, Anastasia." She strokes my maroon hair and starts to sing. "You're going to be okay. We are going to be okay."


The faint violin plays and Father laughs loudly, and those two are the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. Mother's smiling and glowing with happiness and love. Drizella and I are dancing and giggling and the entire kitchen is warmed with a glowing golden candle. Mother tucks Drizella into bed, and Father lets me sit with him since he knows I never want to go to sleep. I try to climb up on the table, and next thing I know there's a small fire on the ground. Mother runs down the stairs and screams "Anastasia, look what you have done!" She dumps a pitcher of water on top of the flaming candle and the room becomes dark and cold. "Now I have to go clean this up." She shakes her head and stomps out of the kitchen. I run under the table and begin to cry. Father grabs my hand and pulls me out. I look up at him and shake my head, "I'm so sorry, Daddy. I'm so clumsy." He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "You are perfect, Ana."


The sun beams through my paint-chipped window frame and I struggle to open my swollen eyes. Cinderella is probably getting ready for their wedding today. I slide out of bed and peek into Drizella's room. "Help me with my hair?"

She brushes my hair and leaves it to flow naturally. "I always liked your hair like this. I wish my hair was as bold as yours." She smiles at me through the mirror.

"Thanks, Drizella." I whisper with a small smile.

I head back into my room and pull out my old diary. It's been a while since I wrote, but once my pen touches the paper my hand doesn't stop moving.

I don't need anybody to tell me that I am perfect. Because I am me, and in every way the world will tell me no, that's what makes me perfect. Charming didn't think I was perfect, and he left. Father said I was perfect, and he left. It doesn't matter. I will be stronger than my mother.

A knock at the door interrupts my self-therapy session. I open the door and a young lady with a blonde bob and weird looking hat grins at me. "Good morning, Miss! My name is Fara Gowdmata, you may have heard of me? I am the number one journalist for our little town's newspaper! Anywho, I am here doing a little research on our soon-to-be queen! I have heard that this is where she lived, it's quite... cozy. Lovely, really. Well, don't just stand there! Invite me in for some tea and I would love to hear everything you have to say about our mysterious princess."

I open the door and she walks in, swirling her head around in every direction of our sparsely-furnished cottage.

We sit down at the kitchen table and I pour her a cup of pumpkin spice tea. "First, I have a question for you." I state.

"Go for it!" She chimes.

I smile. "Do you do book publishing?"

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