^chapter one^

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Narrators point of view

"Sunoo wake up your gonnna be late!!" Sunoo's mom screams trying to wake him up
"Im coming!!" He screams back while fixing his bed "why didn't my alarm clock ring?"
He asks himself "oh right i smashed it" suddenly his phone rang "ting... ting.... ting..." "ugh" he says while plopping back on his bed and grabbing his phone

Four idiots

Jungwoniee_lolz: Sunoo can we
go to school together?

jakeloves_layla: Backstabbers🙃

jungwoniee_lolz: But you said you were
Already at school??

Jakeloves_layla: thats the point i hate being early

Ofc we can go together catch me in my house :ddneou_sunoo

Jungwoniee_lolz: YEY LETS GOO


Sunoo gets ready and waits for jungwon to go to his house, after some minutes Jungwon finally arrived so they went to school "Owemjii i can't believe its your first day at our universityy" Jungwon said excitedly
"Yeah i cant believe it either" Sunoo said back in boredness " anyway, whats your first class?" Jungwon asked "History class i bet it's boring" "Omg we have the same class but it looks like it's still early so we can still meet up with Jake and Wonyoung" "Wonyoung?? Our childhood bestie??" "Yeah i forgot to tell you she studies there too" "well that's exciting!! I cant wait to see her!"
Sunoo says "oh and were gonna go to a party with her boyfriend and his friends, you can come if you want" " sure i can come and also Wony has a boyfriend? How cliche of her" "yea she does and oh look were here!!"
"Whoa that was fast"

They enter the the school with everybodys eye's on them "why are they staring??" "Well im quite popular so maybe they think your my boyfriend" "ew disgusting " yeah, anyways the playground is near here lets go!" They go to the playground seeing Jake listening to music "Jakey!!" Jungwon says calling jake "Hii i missed you so much" jake says to sunoo "i miss you too" sunoo says with a sweet smile forming his lips " well now were all together why dont we take a picture??" "I would love that i've been dry in social media recently" jake says "but before all that where is wonyoung?"
Sunoo asks Jake "Oh she just left with her boyfriend planning the meet up for the party." "She'll eventually come back (enhypens comeback is in two days!!!)
"Anyways lets take a picture"
#the picture#

" "She'll eventually come back (enhypens comeback is in two days!!!)"Anyways lets take a picture" #the picture#

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"Oh sh1t! Were late i gotta go to my first class bye cya guys later!!"

Sorry if it's short ill try to make it a little bit longer stay tuned for more!


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