^chapter three^

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-previous chapter two-

"Oh, this will be fun flirting with him..."

-end of the previous chapter-

"Hi Wonyoung" I happily wave at Wony and her friends

"Niki!" Heeseung calls drunk "Hmm?" "Hyung are you drunk," I say to him kinda worried

"Is Jake coming?" "Huh? Jake Hyung? Sim Jaeyun?" I reply

"Yes boy, I've been flirting with him lately he seems to kinda like it," Heeseung Hyung says drunkenly

"Well yes, he's outside I gotta go to the bathroom real quick bye!"

I go to the bathroom and when I came out I saw him again, Sunoo.

I knew it was my time to shine so I pull him to the nearest vacant bedroom


I was just minding my OWN business when somebody pulled me to a vacant bedroom.

And there it was again the dark aura I felt staring at me when I introduced myself for my first class.

Everything felt so unreal "Who are you?!"
I say trying to get out of his grip on my shoulders

"Im Nishimura Riki hi!" he says moving the grip and acting cute

"What do you want?" I ask confused "You~" he says in a teasing matter "I'm serious I don't even know you," I say back annoyed "Well that's a mystery I will keep for now, got it?" He says "Whatever now leave me alone" I try to act tough but I can't curse at him, I'm known to have a soft, cute, kind persona and I couldn't ruin it with one single word!

"I was just playing cutie, chill" He replies kinda disappointed "Well I don't care now let me go!" I say back stubbornly "Fine, go"

"That's what I thought, hmph," I say rolling my eyes and getting out of there "Wait, where are my friends?" I question myself confused

"Sunoo yah!" a sudden scream calling my name, I turn towards the voice and I see Jake drink holding onto Hee Seung Hyung for support why did he get so drunk already? I ask myself "Dont worry Sunoo, Jake is with me," Heeseung says


Authors note:

Finally, chapter three is out!!
I will probably be posting a chapter each day so please be patient I will try my best to make it more interesting!! Thank you for reading Chapter three

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