^chapter nine^

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We all ate lunch, we were chitchatting and eating at the same time, as i was eating Jake hyung came to my mind, 'why can't he eat with us?' I ask myself, i try to brush it off my taking another bite of my salad 'but why though'

I ask myself again getting curious and confused, while i was wondering a tap on my shoulder interuppted me, i turn to see niki looking at me

"Are you okay hyung?" He asks in such a soft tone of voice, i look into his eyes full of luster with sparks in them, i then realised i looked dumb not answering

"Oh y-yeah im okay" i say quite stuttering at my embarrassment, i look away from the younger trying not to look at his such wonderful eyes, it was such a great sight

"Are you sure, you seem off" the other asks me again, his voice sounded worried so i decided to tell him, i didnt want a such cute boy to be worried for me! It was to embarrasing to handle

His eyes captured mine again...it was so lovely to see, i was just looking at him not uttering a single word, "i-i i was just wondering why Jake hyung can't seat with us" i say still stuttering

He was about to reply when someone called us "Hey?!"
Jungwon says kinda shouting at the two of us, i quickly turn around to see what he wanted

"I've been calling you two for a minute, wth!" Jungwon says "Sorry we were talking we couldn't hear" i say trying to calm Jungwon down

"Talking? With your eyes? Thats new" Wony says laughing sarcastically "its called eye contact shut up!" Niki says defending himself

"Yeah yeah whatever" Jay interuppts all the commotion going on, "We should get out of here, class is about to start" Sunghoon says holding on to his girlfriends arms

As i walk towards my next period niki comes up to me "Hey..meet me at the park at 7:00pm sharp" he says while i was curious why

I nodded slightly blushing 'is he asking me out?' I ask myself 'no it can't be we just met' i thought disagreeing to my conclusions

I walk to my locker grabbing my books for next period, i walk in class pretty early the bell hasn't rung yet so i had time to review my notes, i sit down and reviewed,

A few minutes later the bell has ringed and everyone came rushing towards the door, i grab my textbook and find the page the professor was recently discussing,

As i listen i hear laughter coming from the field, i look towards the window and saw Niki with his friends, Jay and Sunghoon, 'Is he skipping?' I say in my mind fully getting distracted on the lesson

I ignore it but kept a smile on my face seeing the younger smile so cutely, 'i bet he only smiled liked that towards his friends, probably never gonna be me' i say to myself looking at the blackboard again


As school ended i walk to the bus stop and stood there waiting for a bus, as i got home i glanced at the clock to see what time it is

5:34 it read

I put my school bag down and sat down for a bit, i grabbed my phone to ask jungwon what to wear for my 'hangout' with niki


Hey Won, can you help me pick a outfit: ddneou_sunoo

Jungwoniee_lolz: sure whats the occasion for hmm? A date?

No just a hang out with y'know :ddneou_sunoo

Jungwoniee_lolz: a hangout huh
Wear the white longsleeves i got for your bd and with some plain jeans easy

Okay thank you! Love you :ddneou_sunoo

Jungwoniee_lolz: i hate you too


Ddneou_sunoo posted!

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Liked by Jungwoniee_lolz, and 32k others

Jungwoniee_lolz: you be slaying bestieee

↪️ddneou_sunoo: thankss

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