^chapter ten^

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As soon as Sunoo got ready he glanced at the time
First 6:34 pm it said

He sat down on his bed on his phone trying to kill some time, he scrolled until niki chatted him

Nikii 💋

nshmra_r1ki: hey hyung are you ready yet?

Mhm, im just one my phone to kill sometime why? :ddneou_sunoo

Nshmra_r1ki: well change of plans i was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies instead?

Oh sure why not, sounds fun! :Ddneou_sunoo

Nshmra_r1ki: great ill pick you up

Okay! :ddneou_sunoo

Nshmra_r1ki: im already outside though

-left on seen-


Sunoo was puzzled niki was already outside of his house, he quickly grabs his socks and puts on his shoes, grabbing his things like house keys, phone, shoulder bag etc....he turns off the lights

Gives his cat a goodbye kiss and locks the door behind him as he goes out, he looks around and sees a tesla blaring it's lights and horn infront of him

He rolls his eyes, it was obviously Niki, he opens the door and gets inside the passenger seat, "Ah niki my eyes hurt from your lights" the older complains pinching his nose brigde

Frustrated he closes him eyes,

The younger looked at him worried on what he had just done "Sorry, i thought it was funny..." niki says apoligizing to the older

"Whatever im okay now....let's go" Sunoo says putting his seatbelt over him as niki starts the car and takes one last glance at the others beauty

He looks away trying not to get distracted and starts driving, a few minutes pass silence filled the car, Sunoo notices nikis hand creeping up on his thigh while the other on the stirring wheel

He flinches at the sudden action not saying a thing....he was fine with it, it just felt new to him, he understands Niki is a touchy person so he lets him

The younger looks at the other at the sudden flinch
"You okay hyung?" He asks in a deep raspy voice (why does that sound cringe) sunoo nods and looks out the window

As silence filled the whole car ride once again, The older decides to open the car window for fresh air

Minutes later they get to their destination, as niki opens the door for the older, Sunoo blushes at nikis gentleman actions and just smiles at him as a thank you

They buy popcorn and went to the movie room thing (forgot the name sorry) the movie started pretty okay as Sunoo felt sleepy, He wanted to sleep rather watch the movie, but he fights 'fighting!'

The older couldn't take his sleepiness away anymore, he lays his head over the youngers shoulder and closes his eyes dozing off the sleep

The other notices him and smiles at sunoo sleeping peacefully, he continues to watch until it finished

As the ending was playing on the big screen, Niki decided to wake up the other now laying on his lap still sleeping 'peacefully'

"Hyung, wake up we should go home" he says poking the others cute chubby cheeks as he smiles at the other

Sunoo wakes up squinting his eyes until he gets fully sober to get up and realize he was sleeping in nikis lap
"S-sorry i fell asleep" he says rubbing his eyes "Its fine hyung you felt really comfortable anyways...dont rub your eyes to aggressive" he says concerned

The older gets up witb the other following him, they get to the car and sunoo unfortunately fell asleep again....Niki chuckles looking at his hyung acting too cute, how can he be older than him Niki thinks as he starts the car and starts to drive home

He drops Sunoo off his house, of course he went in and carried him while Sunoo just slept....he went inside, upstairs and slowly places his hyung on the bed

He takes off sunoos shoes and stares at him for a minute...as he was about to go home the older pulls him into his embrace hugging him tightly but not harmful

"Awe hyung i need to go" niki says in such awe at his hyungs cuteness

"Dont g-go" sunoo says tightening the hug more as he sniffles, When niki heard sunoos voice starting to break and his tears roll down he knew he would regret it if he went home

"Fine i wont go home, dont cry" he says breaking the hug and facing sunoo, his eyes were closed but tears were rolling on his face with a pout forming on his lips

Niki would've felt horrible if he left sunoo alone here crying and sleepy, He decided to stay and layed down next to the older,

Niki tries to sleep by closing his eyes but couldn't help to hug the older, Sunoo tiredlessly reacts wrapping his arms around nikis neck burying his face into the yougers neck

While Niki slowly wraps his arms around sunoos small waist, 'f4ck butterflies this is a whole zoo in my stomach' niki thoughts blushing a pinkish tint

They both doze off to sleep comfortably in eachothers embrace


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