^chapter eleven^

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Sunoo woke up with Niki no longer by his side, he looked around the room but couldn't find the other
He decides that he might've already left for school
'That's odd...' he says to himself

Something dinged on his phone so he checked it out, Niki had just texted him
Before he clicks on the message bar, he glances at the time
6:21 am is says

He then proceeds to check the message bar

Niki 💋

just now

nshmra_r1ki: Hyung, if your awake i already left for school, i left you some breakfast on the table.



Weird.... why did he leave so early' Sunoo says to himself as he got up to eat downstairs...
He gets ready and goes to school...hes greeted by Sunghoon and Jake...."Heyy!" Hoon greets Sunoo, Sunoo smiles as a 'hey' and looks around looking for Jungwon

"Have you seen Won?" He asks the pair, Sunghoon and Jake shrugs, so he decided to go straight to his locker, he sees Jay so he asks him "Hey Jay...have you seen Jungwon?" He asks looking at Jay,

"I think i saw him at the cafeteria, but i'm not really sure.." Jay responds "you can check though!" He add pointing at the cafeteria, Sunoo thanks him and goes to the cafeteria, He looks around

He saw Jungwon talking with Wonyoung "Won and Wony!" He calls them while waving and smiling that he discovered them after looking for minutes

Sunoo runs towards the two "Oh hello!" Jungwon greets him. Now that he found jungwon he was curious where Niki was...so he apparently asks Jungwon "did anyone saw Niki?" He asks crossing his arms raising an eyebrow

Jungwon and Wonyoung looks at eachother making literal eye contact, and they glance back at Sunoo then shrugs shaking their head at the same time, Sunoo now is very confused and curious where the other had gone.
First he leaves him alone after they sleep next to eachother now he can't find him, real odd,

He shakes it off by going to class early, he finished three periods and it was now lunch time, He collects his friends so they can all eat together, While Niki was still not there


It was lunch time, i still haven't seen Sunoo which i didn't really mind...i went to the cafeteria and saw my friendd together, i was about to go towards them when i saw my Little cousin calling me

She waves at me and hugs me tight


As i was eating and chitchatting with my friends....i suddenly hear someone calling Nikis name, as i heard the voice it was pitched, cute and soft....i turn to the voice and saw a girl hugging niki

My blood boils as my hand clenches in to a ball, i try to look away but all that was in my mind was 'he's mine...he's mine...he's mine!' I say to myself really mad
I felt like a physco...but i dont like niki! I dont!

I continue to eat shaking my madness off  and forgetting niki and that 'girl'

After i finished eating i run to the restroom tears building up in my eyes, i sit on the toilet thinking and repeating it in my mind

'is that his girlfriend? Is that his girlfriend? Is that his girlfriend?!' I thought bawling my fist up in madness, annoyance, jealousy

"I-i dont d-deserve this t-torture Niki...what are you doing to me!" I say hiding my   face  in  my   hands
While  imagining the scene over and over again


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