^chapter thirteen^

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Sunoo sat on the couch as the couch springs boings as he sits, he reaches for his phone after it just have dinged which made the latter concerned on who it can be

He turns on his cell phone, putting in the password and he clicks on the message bar


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He sympathizes the bar and is shown this

Niki 💋

Hyung please talk to me if i did somsthing wrong, i can fix it i want to fix it...if your not ready to answer i understand take your time but please talk to me

Left on seen


Sunoo instantaneously shuts down his phone as he closes his eyes to think it through, after all that crying he can't immediately tell Niki everything,

All of it made him stressed and this jealousy thing is unquestionably not helping him

He lies down in his lounge / sofa as he looks up in the blank plain white ceiling while he rethinks it

He knew he wasn't ready to talk to Niki, but he also knew he wanted to know the truth,

He still had trust in Niki

He feels stupid why he is so jealous over him, the literally just met

All of this what if/s, overthink/s, conclusion/s are making him hungry

He stood up walking to the kitchen
Sunoo hopes this can all be over, he definately needs a break from all the drama

I mean he/s the on who's making it

He sighs heavily opening the refrigerator slowly as he peeks his little fox eyes he moves his eye towards the food until he sees something he's interested in.

His eyes catches a left over pizza and willingly craved for it

Sunoo blinks a few times and in no worry he grabs the plate and walks over to his counter to eat

He munches down the snack, while he ate another message made his phone ding

"What now.." he mumbles not grabbing his phone completely ignoring it

He was in the state of just crying his eyes out,

He lowered his head and banged his hand on the table a few times before opening his phone, This time it was Wonyoung whome texted him also had a few missed calls

He knew his friends were worrying for him so he just decided to look at the text messages


Sunooo Hello! I noticed you left rather early than before, if you want comfort were here okay? And since you left early the principal of our school annouced that were having a field trip to a beach! Me Jungwon and Jake are planning to go so please if you wish come with us!

Sure i can come, i have just been a little stressed so maybe this school trip will help me relax

Thats great! Its only $50 to come and the pay date is due tomorrow,

Mhm okay! I'll be there


(Yall im sorry if they be texting eachother like AI)
Sunoo lets go of his phone as he stood up to go to bed


e was stressed he wanted to rest before he packed, he lets his guard down looking at the ceiling with a blank expression

Sunoo wondered if Niki will come aswell, he thought he can just avoid him if he some how came, or did he...

He sighs and closes his eyes before napping fully, he woke up and took a sight at the clock

It was 7:42 pm, his bed time (yes he has a bedtime dont bully sunoo!) was 9 pm so he still had an hour to pack a little bit

He'll continue tomorrow morning if he can't finish, it's fine, ***obviously***

He starts to pack, starting of with swim wear, shorts, tshirts, accesories, etc..

Once he finishes, Sunoo sighs in relief he was relieved he could finish packing within an hour

Since he took faster than expected, he always packed big bags and luggages and almost bringing his whole wardrobe!

He didn't go to crazy with the clothes, it'll be embarrasing if he can't carry his own luggage so he just decided to pack normally

Now he was offically done he definately had to rest *for real*

Sunoo closes his eyes and slowly drifts of into dreamland

He snores in tiredness, he was happy this day was finally over,

The lad sleeps peacefully as he snores softly into despair, he needs a long rest for such a long day and a longer day to come



Again this is chapter 13
06-26-23 - 06-28-23
Words used in this chapter: 814

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