^chapter seventeen^

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'Such a cutie....' Sunoo thought as he admired Niki

"And your all done!" Niki finally lets out a small sigh

at his Lola whome just drank her medicine

"Thank you grandson, and your boyfriend" She thanks

the both of them "Oh no he's not my boyfriend, he just

came with me, we'll be going to my friends house" Niki

immediately assures, while the other blushed at the

thought of them being together and being called his

bf, "Is that so? Then you two should go i don't want you

two to be late because of me" His lola said

"Okay bye grandma!" He waves his hands as he closed

the door "Boyfriend?" Sunoo chuckles as they walk

back to the car in the gazing sunlight "Sorry about that"

the other smiles softly as he opened the car door of the

passenger seat for Sunoo, He then gets into the drivers

seat and puts the keys in the ignition "Alright let's go!"

Niki says as he started to drive.




After a few moments of driving they both finally made

it to Jake's house, the two sighs while they start to walk

towards their friend's mansion

Sunoo gets amazed by the beauty of Jake's house, lights

everywhere, cars parked at a big garage, fountains

spitting nice and fresh water, and behind all of that

was a huge garden with flowers everywhere and pools

with jacuzzis, "This house is huge Jake!" Sunoo mur-

mured as he smiled when greeted by the rest of his

friends "I know right! Cause last time i checked Jake

lived in a hut" ***(this is a joke dont cancel me)***

Jungwon sarcastically jokes that made

all of them laughed "Great dark humor jungwon, real

great" Jake rolls his eyes acting annoyed but it was

obvious he was laughing inside "Anyways come in!"

Jake adds suggesting the two to come inside his

mansion that you can even barely call a 'normal house'

"Welcome to my house" Jakes says as the two wandered

around in such amaze by the beauty of his house

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