^chapter two^

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Sunoo's point of view


Jungwon and I opened the door with everyone looking at us, "Alright Jungwon go to your seat and today you guys have a new classmate, Meet Sunoo,

please introduce yourself" the teacher said to me "Hi I am Kim Sunoo, you can call me Sunoo, I hope I get to know you guys a t more and I hope we can all be friends." I smile as I finish introducing myself

"Alright, you can go sit next to Jungwon, I believe you know him." "Yes ma'am"
I replied to the teacher,

as I walked toward Jungwon
I heard some whispers like "Bro, he's cute af" or like
"he's mine, all mine"

I felt a little uncomfortable but just ignored it,

and there was this gaze that just followed everything I did, I didn't know who it was but I just felt it,

it was a dark aura looking at me,

I shake my head in disbelief that it was just all my imagination, the class ended, me and Jungwon went out and met up with Jake,

"Hey mates, I talked with Wonyoung, she said we
can get a ride from her to the party." Jake said "That's good but let's go to the canteen I'm hungry" Jungwon replied "Same," I say.


(sorry I have no other idea of what to add so let's just skip to the good part;)


"Oh look there's Wony" "WONYOUNG OVER HERE!!" Jungwon says

"Omg Sunoo I miss you so so much," Wonyoung said running to me and hugging me
"I miss you too, how are you, I heard you have a boyfriend," I said

"Yeah I do, life had been tough but y'know fighting!!" Wonyoung replied to me giggling

Let's go?" Jake says "Okay!" Wonyoung replied -WE GET TO THE CAR- "Wow you have a nice car" I say "Hm yeah let's go to my boyfriend's apartment to pick him up okay?" Wonyoung said while pulling her seatbelts on,


"Hi babe these are my friends, I believe you already met Jake this is Jungwon and the new transferee Sunoo," she says

"Hi nice to meet you two," Sunghoon says smiling sweetly

"Very honored to finally meet you as well," Jungwon says back

"Same," I said not too coldly just enough to be nice


I get to the party which is at Heeseung Hyung's house, I was waiting for Sunghoon since he had the food I asked him to get me.

They get here but with more people, I could tell Wonyoung and Jake were inside the car but the other two were unidentified to me.

Sunghoon get's out and I just wave to him

There comes out Wonyoung, Jake, and Jungwon WAIT YANG JUNGWON?! And come last is THE TRANSFEREE!
SUNOO the guy I looked at earlier.

Oh, this will be fun flirting with him...

Authors Note:

Hi how yall doing hope yall are okay, stay safe!

Finally, chapter two is out, hope you like it!!

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