1. resurrection

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She dies in a filthy warehouse, clutching a dog. There are moments of ebbing consciousness as she feels her boy-body be hacked apart. The pain dulls out after the first few minutes - or maybe hours, who even fucking knows? Zombies are mind-numbingly slow at everything. Even murder. The screaming becomes softer. Her voice turns strangled, raw and strange, and too weak in her throat. The blood's almost cool to touch.

Her chest heaves. At least the blood isn't an illness, she thinks to herself dizzily. It's a Something death, at least. A torrid newspaper headline: ORPHAN HACKED TO DEATH BY MAFIA. Not quietly ignominious and unremarkable like disease - or god forbid, hunger.

She hopes they won't kill Pochita. She can't feel his warmth anymore - maybe her hands have gone numb, maybe he's slipped out of her grasp with all the repeated stabbing and that stupid darkness that won't stop swimming in her eyelids. She inhales and someone - The Old Man - punctures her waiting scream. Maybe Pochita can take over this body she never wanted. Finally be free, be Enough for both of them.

She grabs onto her fading consciousness with a desperation. Please, she croaks. Please, I don't want to die. The rafters are merciless - they blur into darkness. The grunts of the Yakuza become indistinct background noise.

She dies.

In her dream, Pochita jumps onto her chest - snuggles up to her, and talks about being. She watches with startled eyes as the only one who ever needed her vanishes into light. Wait, she says. Wait.

I've heard you talk about Being, Reze. So, Be.

She wakes up in a dumpster, claws at her chest frantically. He can't be gone, right? She rakes her nails down the flatness of her chest, leaving red, angry marks. She has to - she clutches herself, feels half a sob build up in her throat among that stench of candy wrappers and used condoms. She'll kill them.

She steps out into the warehouse on shaky feet - the mound of flesh blurs into the Yakuza's faces in front of her eyes. She doesn't even care, even as their shouts reverberate through the building and they leap towards her.

Her hand drifts towards her neck - towards the ripcord dangling from it. She pulls, and the world explodes into red.

After it is all over, there is silence and a woman in a trenchcoat, silhouetted in the yawning golden of the doorway.

Reze almost stumbles. Rights herself amidst that awful smell of copper. The woman watches as her chainsaws retract and Reze falls - bloody and panting - to her knees.

In the next few minutes, Reze learns that the woman's name is Makima and that her coat is warm around Reze's shivering frame. She learns that to live she has to do two things:

1) Work for the Public Safety and

2) Listen to everything that the woman says.

And what work will I do? she asks and Makima smiles.

You'll be useful, won't you?

She'll be useful, she thinks to herself as she looks into Makima's impossibly golden eyes. She will.

hi yes! please do comment and vote if you enjoyed. i'll try to update consistently and will defo reply to every comment!

this part is interesting to me since if you pay attention you can get some hints towards what reze's Dream is and figure out what'll follow!

meanwhile: here's an absolutely gorgeous redesign of reze as the chainsaw man based on this fic! it's by @daniYuki_ on twitter.

meanwhile: here's an absolutely gorgeous redesign of reze as the chainsaw man based on this fic! it's by @daniYuki_ on twitter

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what to expect from this fic: variable chapter lengths between super short and long. please bear with me! this work will have 40 chapters(!)

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