4. balls

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He beats her up in an alleyway and has the audacity to light up for a smoke afterward. The stench of cigarette smoke fills the air as she groans weakly from the ground. It hurts but she's taken worse — a quip rises to her mouth easily.

Molesting young things like me in alleyways and smoking too, old man? Scandalous!

Hayakawa takes a step back as if he's been burned. He's so straight laced — the expression on his face is priceless enough that she hoots with laughter. But he regains his composure soon enough, says: You're in it for the paycheck, aren't you?

Ah, the paycheck. I won't deny that it piques my curiosity.

Hayakawa scowls, gives her an annoying lecture on how brats like her won't last long in Public Safety. How she'll die soon enough. He helpfully describes a few brutal murders, closes off by commenting on the shallowness of her motivations. Reze wants to laugh in his face.

Instead, she gets up, splits her mouth into a savage grin. You think you know what it feels like to die?

Then she knees him in the balls. He goes down like a stone — ha! Guys never expect that — and lies wheezing on the grimy pavement so she crouches over him and whispers sweetly into his ear. Listen here, you idiot. I'll follow whatever orders you give me but I've got to know what to do, yeah?

He opens his mouth but Reze places a finger over his lips and shushes him. I'm just as serious about this as you are. Wrinkles her nose. Maybe not with the whole, she gestures to him in general, emo energy thing, you know. Oh. And the pickpocketing? It's a habit. A little hard to get rid of if you've ever been empty stomached.

She gets to her feet, holds out a hand to him in that alleyway piled with rubbish bags and stink. Do over. Nice to meet you. I'm Reze.

Fuck you, Hayakawa groans but he takes her hand anyway.

a/n: i loved writing this scene. reze and aki my beloveds they r best friends in My head. pls do vote or comment if u enjoyed :)

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