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How does one persons life change in the matter of seconds?.One moment you could be laughing to your hearts content then one second passes and your falling to your doom.How?.You don't know where you are but you have no choice but to escape.You run and run and run away from problems that live there either in the back of your mind or physically.You have to stay calm so you don't go insane,you have to stay calm in order to escape,you have to stay calm.How does one stay calm though?The buzzing from the lights or the contant sounds of your feet sloshing on the damp carpet or seeing the same torn yellow wallpaper over and over again.The knowing of someone or something hunting you down constantly itself can send people spiraling.All you want to do is be in the comfort of your own home but you can't.People want more than they need,Its not need to escape or need to go back home its always want.I WANT to escape, WANT to go back home.In some stances its okay to use want, want to place this here, want to take this for later.Things can be useful in this world of luminal spaces and you don't have time to go back.You move forward there is no turning contains the darkness that gives you paranoia and the light that causes headaches along with the feeling of disassociating from reality.
Dont make sound
The monster will hear you.Its best to be as silent as you can,No screaming,No whistling,No.Sound.One wrong move can make an attraction for the beasts inside.
Dont stay in one place
Move around.if you dont the monsters will find you sooner rather than later.You need to have some type of marker or something to put down so you know if you have been there.If not then your fucked,you'll never get out.Mark one spot then move,mark another spot then move,Just.Keep.Moving.Don't.Stop

Its best if you stick together in this world of insanity.You don't know whats lurking in these halls

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