⏚⟒lo⍙ Th⟒ Su⍀f⏃c⟒

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The three boys were all hanging out together.They haven't seen each other in a while so why not.Tommy was on his phone on the couch while Tubbo was on the floor staring at the ceiling.They were waiting for Ranboo to come out of the bathroom to decide what to do.
"Hey Tubs?" tommy asked.Tubbo looked at him
"Yea bossman?"Tubbo raised a brow as he waited for the other to tell him what he wanted.
"Im bored"he stated plainly.Tubbo groaned in response and rolled over onto his stomach.Ranboo then walked in a couple minutes later
"If all of us are so bored and we dont really have nothing to do here theres some forest behind the house we could go to"
The others looked up,surprised of his presence but soon agreed.They all put on coats and Tommy grabbed his backpack on the way out.you could hear the leaves crunching underneath their feet as they walk through the lined trees.Flowers blooming on every branch in sight,the smell of pine everywhere
"See this fresh air is nice,better than on our phones"Ranboo spoke.He was the positive one in the group.He always saw the brightest of things despite his memory problems and mental health being shit.
"This air could be poisonous"Tubbo was the pessimist,he never saw what Ranboo sees in life.His view is always negative no matter the situation
"C'mon Tubbo lighten up a bit would ya?!Natures great and full of surprises"Tommy was the extrovert,he is always loud and upbeat.He loves making people laugh and would try to lighten the mood up with a couple jokes if people were down in the dumps
"Its 3Am and we're in the middle of the woods Tommy we could get killed right now and not be found because nobody would hear us scream"He stated with a monotone voice
"That is True Tubbo but I know how to fight,Ranboo can enderwalk if triggered and teleport wherever and you know how to use nukes for fucks sake!"he paused "i think we're okay"
Tubbo sighed before continuing to walk towards a rock as he crossed his arms.He sat down and took his phone out of his pocket when he heard it ring.Phil.
P:Hey mate
T:Hey phil whats up?
Tubbo stifled a laugh back and put the phone on speaker so Tommy could hear
"Could you scream any louder im going to go deaf Toms"
"Sure thing Ranboob"
"Don't call me that"
P:Hey Tommy!
Tommy ended up giving back Tubbo's phone and walking away to some Raccoon he saw climbing on a tree.Tubbo started to rock back and forth as he talked to Phil and ultimately lost balance.
Always Brace yourself for the mysterious world you live in
He fell over throwing his phone in the air,landing on his back.
"Tubbo you ok-ay?Tubbo where'd you go?TUBBO!" Ranboo looked everywhere for the goat but he just simply disappeared.
"Hey um Ranboo its getting creepy c-can we go home?"Tommy called out.He was walking towards the other but found him in front of an abandoned house.
Don't complain when you regret your actions
He never answered Tommy.Instead his shaky hand reached for the doorknob.Tommy followed Ranboo into the house cautiously and took out a flashlight.He shined the light all around soon hitting a dusty mirror and jumpscaring himself.He walked away from that and went into a room.He shrieked at the sight.
"WHAT THE FUCK!"Blood was splattered everywhere on the walls and floors,staining the carpet.The slosh of the carpet-
You'll soon get used to it
"TOM WHATS GOI-oh my god!"His eyes widen at the scene.Did someone die here?
Most likely
"R-Ranboo i wanna go ho-home"
"Noted lets go"
He grabs the boy by his waist and starts to drag Tommy out of the house.They got to the top of the stairs-
You'll only make it worse
Someone whispered.Ranboo looked around the area and saw nothing
"Tom someones here"
"What do you mean?"
"⟟ heard ⏃ voice ⟟ need to go check"
They walk around the top floor looking through doorways,an empty bathroom,and even old closets.Nothing.They turn towards the stairs,looking at the bottom.They both started to walk down them before Ranboo fell.He also disappeared into thin air.
Its almost like he fell through the stairs and into the floor
There is no return,you will become insane but grow to like the place til you never want to leave
"Ranboo this isn't funny where'd you go!"He called.Nothing.He finished walking down the stairs and looked around the whole downstairs before finding that he disappeared.He started to freak out,he was alone.Where's Tubbo?Where's Ranboo?.He needs them right now-
Always WANT not NEED
"C-C'mon guys THIS Th-this whole bit your playing is too far"He quickened his walk as he opened already opened doors
"GUYS PLEASE JUST DROP THE ACT" He pleaded.He just wanted to find his friends and go home.Tommy pulled out Tubbo's phone that Ranboo gave him for some reason and called Phil.-
Using power only attracts the beasts inside
Please call at another time and if this is Tommy WHAT DO YOU WANT GREMLIN!beeeppp
"Phil pl-please im in the woods near my house and im-im all alone,Tubbo and Ranboo disappeared..im so scared Dad i don't know what to do h-help please the-"another beep emitted from the phone
Voicemail cannot be sent due to poor internet connection please check the connection and try again later
"No NO please"
  his choked sobs now evident in his voice.He sat down making it easier to breath and rocked back and forth.He leaned his head into his knees as he leaned back onto the bloody wall behind but seemingly felt like he's falling.He squeezed his crying eyes shut as he curled up into his own body-
Relax now as to you will not in the halls of horror you were brought into
He felt his back hit the ground and then he was out like a light but not before catching a glimpse of yellow wallpaper.

Its too late.You are too far in to back out,you've lead yourself straight to us.The beasts inside have been waiting for this moment.The only thing you can do is-
And Escape
This was bound to happen one day so Reinforce your mind to support the inevitable darkness that this will bring

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