⌰⟒⏁⏁⟟⋏☌ ☌⍜

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(Long chapter folks so sit back and relax,lot of shit going down so just leaving this here TW:Blood,violence,kissing/making out,deranged thoughts.if ⟟ missed any please inform me)

He didn't know how it happened.He was asleep then woke up to a voice in his head.Stronger than dream's and more manipulative,controlling.Of course he had to wake up the others,he was scared and alone in his mind.The two tried calming him down but he just couldn't this time.A little voice circling his own in attempts to entice him.
"this wasn't meant to happen,i've been fighting it,i've been free for so long"
"Ran just please sit down and uncover your ears we want to help"
"C'mon Boo listen to Toms and I and sit with us"
"NO..My head is racing the voices won't leave me alone i can't uncover my ears,they'll get me"
Grabbing the enderman's wrists making him stop in his tracks near the smaller.The Ram took this as an opportunity to calm him down
"Just please breathe" He did just so,making his airways clearer.
"Thats it just keep breathing"he paused to hear the calmed breathing
"Look at me"
the taller shook his head,looking down at the ground.He didn't want Tubbo to see his red and purple eyes,he didn't know if the purple meant he was in his enderwalk so he wants to avoid eye contact.
Unfortunately Tubbo didn't take that as an answer as he grabbed the endermans chin gently and made him look in each others eyes.Ranboo tensed but soon calmed once he felt a hand on his cheek,a thumb rubbing circles near his ear,The cold fingers trailing behind his ear and down his jaw.
"Keep looking at me,never take your eyes off mine and breath in and out"
He spoke.As he did so Tubbo took the chance to take the others hands off his ears.One walked backwards and the other walks forwards.The slight grabs at his clothing to reach his height.
The voices stopped and his thoughts ran blank.It was just the two of them in the moment as they walked around,feeling the breeze hit their faces as the cool temperature made shivers run down their bodies.
"Feeling better?"
"Y-yea thank you so mu-TUBBO WATCH OUT"
The edge.They walked til Tubbo almost walked off the edge of the level.Grabbing the boy and hugging him close,pulling him away from the edge as his tail wraps around the rams waist.
"You alright now?"
"Thanks Boo im alright"
"Your welcome"
They then realize how close they are.Bodies touching,breaths merging together,blushes across both of their faces.
"S-so we uhm sh-should probably go ba-back to Tommy"
Looking away from him but forced back to face the other
"I said to never take your eyes off mine"
"Ye-yes you d-did-"
"Then why did you?"
"I-⟟ don't kno-know"
More staring.More time with each other.
"May ⟟-"
Grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in.Lips grazing each other.
"What would this do to our friendship"
"Whatever you want my Bee...whatever you want"
They whisper,feeling the vibrations of the speech buzz their lips and the warmth of each others breath,wanting to just lean forward so badly
"I-i don't know Bee i don't want this to ruin what we built-"
"Shut up already"
Closing the gap between them essentially cutting him and the enderman off.Their lips moved in sync and seemed to perfectly fit each others.Carefully placing his hands on each side of the tallers face as Ranboo wraps his cold hands on the small of the rams back,pulling him closer if thats possible.
Pulling away as they stared each other down,faces still centimeters away.Smashing their lips against each others as if they wanted more.This time more hungrily and passionate.The rams hands travel up to the others hair,gently pulling it as the enderman let out a squeak against the others lips.Moving down to his chin,then his jaw then his neck then back up to his lips.When the Ram stopped to breathe a whine erupted but was immediately shut up with another kiss
They pulled away again and smiled.
"That was-wow"
"Yea now i would love to stay here all day Boo but we kind of just left Tommy by himself"
"Not the best idea probably"
"Yea so how about we go back to the bench and see if Tommy didn't die yet"
Ranboo chuckled and started to lead Tubbo by the hand back to the bench.Tommy's waiting there anxiously tapping his foot as his leg bounced up and down,arms crossed over his chest.
"Yay he didn't die!"
The blonde stood quickly and engulfed them in a huge hug
"Oh just took a breather,almost fell,then we supposed we would come back here because we didn't want you dying on us"
Of course he left out the details but they just wanted to hurry up.
"Well don't just walk off without inviting me first you could have gotten seriously hurt" He firmly spoke
"Anyway i found a weird brick building while you two were making out and i think thats our ticket out of here boys"
"We weren't making out but sure"
The blonde just sighed and walked off,not looking back.The ram winked then continued to follow his friend to obviously see what this mysterious brick house was.The enderman was left dumb-founded as his face turned red but he walked on,not wanting to be stuck with the voices.
His eye never changed back and voices were always circling his own even if he doesn't hear them.the normal side of him just wants to go home,live on and get away from all his problem but the ender side of his wants freedom and to make people hurt the way he did.Even in his enderwalk he never intended to hurt anybody but this feeling of power was amazing to him,he would like the idea of blood and if not blood then violence.
Let us take control,we'll guarantee you power,something you've never had before
"G⍜ ⏃⍙a⊬"he muttered,he couldn't let this trip to some mysterious brick house be delayed because of his problems.they needed to move forward not get stuck in one place.Once in front of a creepy house was when it got un bearable.He tugged on the nearest persons shirt so they would ask him what's wrong as purple started spilling from the purple glowing eye leaving him blind in that eye.but that question never came
"Okay guys ready?"
"Sure hit it bossman"
Slowly but surely they crept inside checking the doors and walls for anything out of the ordinary.The voices grew stronger and stronger making him have throbbing pains.His body couldn't take it anymore as he drops to the ground with a huge crash,a corner table holding flowers fell to the floor;glass going everywhere.
The blonde shouted from around the corner.
"IM GOOD HOW ABOUT YOU BOO!"The brunette also shouted from another corner.No answer
"BOO?YOU ALRIGHT IN THERE" someone shouted again.No answer.He couldn't feel anything let alone speak that well.Rushing footsteps rang through his ears as he curled into a ball,this was it.
"Oh my god RANBOO!What happened!?"
"T-too much Bee i-its too mu-ch"
He whispered to the ram in front of him.The voices were so right!this place can make you go insane and for him he went quick.Too quick for his liking.How was he going to get back home if he's so mentally attached to this place.
"Its alright Bee's here im going to help you"
"Y-your goi-ng to get h-hurt if you sta-y" he words slurring a bit,he feels like he's floating in a dark void that he's trapped in.
"I wou-ldn't forg-ive myself if ⟟ let ⊬-you get hu-rt Tubbo" he can't let anyone get hurt by him so he's going to make it clear before he can't anymore.
"We'll figure it out..together like we always do"
"⋏⍜⏁ th⟟s ti⋔⟒..⟟ ⌰ove ⊬⍜u Be⟒"He squeaked out.
"No fight it please Boo the voices can't control you"
"⟟ ⌰⍜ve yo⎍" Pulled into a short sweet kiss before looking into the eyes of the shorter once more,gently caressing his cheek and wiping the tears away
"I love you too"
Then he closed his eyes,Tubbo felt like he was stabbed right in the heart as he was pulled into a hug by Tommy who he didn't know was there
"Maybe he'll wake up from the trance he's in,his enderwalk doesn't last forever but for now lets look for a way out of here in this dump place"
Tubbo just nodded and stood up.He looked to Ranboo's body before turning around.They fell through the floor getting that familiar feeling of falling through the face of the earth.

His eyes snapped open,liquid pouring on the floor as he stood.A malicious smile plastered onto his stained face
The show has just begun
Our time is now just starting but in a new adventure..Hope to see you soon in this world of terrors

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