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Open eyed as the red and green now flicker once again,he tensed.Why is this happening?he asks himself
This world is meant to make you insane,it all comes with the territory
The voices hadn't stopped even if he called out to them.It felt so manipulative and controlling.He loved it but also hated it.The voice isn't dream and he knows that so maybe thats why the heavy breathing and the uneven air flow is so exhilarating that he's blinded by whats not there.A wicked smile is plastered on his face as the purple takes over his eyes.The purple liquid spews from the bottom of his eyes once more as he carefully stood up making sure the two boys didn't wake up.
He just started to walk.Not saying anything.In no time though he felt something grab his wrist.He froze in his place listening to the boy speak.
"Ran what're you doing,you left us?"
He said nothing,he felt like he couldn't.His mouth wouldn't move
Let us take control you fucker stop resisting
"C'mon lets get back to Tubbo he's probably awake by now"
Still nothing.Even with Tommy pulling his arm his feet stuck to the ground
"Ranboo i said Lets go that means walk"
Don't listen to him,go forward,let the beauty captivate you
The voice was right.He needs to stay positive and see the beauty in this world.He walked again dragging the boy behind him
"Ranboo stop your hurting me what has gotten into you?!"
The enderman stopped.He didn't want to hurt anyone
You do want to hurt someone,deep deep DEEP down you really wanna mess with someone anyone.You want people to feel how you felt.Controlled.manipulated.treated like a puppet
His eyes are Flashing again but instantly turn back to purple.Tommy heard nothing from his friend but he did hear dripping noises.Below the enderman was a small puddle of purple starting to form.
"Thats it!"Turning his friend around to face him,he was horrified.His mouth was slightly agape with purple pouring out,not failing to hide his razor sharp teeth.His eyes glowed an intimidating lavender color as his head was slightly tilted to the left.When the enderman looked down at the boy he shivered having chills run down his back and goosebumps litter his arms.
"Its okay its not your fault"The boy spoke above a whisper.The enderman's eyes flickered on and off as he grabbed his head.Blocking his ears with the sweaty palms of his hands seemingly worked.The voices subsided and his eyes returned to his normal red and green.
His devilish smile faded as he started to panic.Tommy had him sit on the ground with him and try to calm down as both of them hugged.
"I let that happ-" was all he could squeak out before resting his head in the crook of the boy's neck.He was supposed to be positive so if he dared to speak his whole aura would change
"Shhthhthh calm down Ran its okay"
"Don't l-let go pl-please i need t-this"the enderman stuttered out.Tommy wasn't going to leave him in this state let alone at all
"I won't,im here allium im always going to be here its going to be okay" he soothed.Rubbing circular patterns into his back,Ranboo now fully in his lap now.Small snores are heard as the enderman shook.Tommy found his jacket on the ground and cover him up with that as he let his legs get comfortable on the ground.
He sat there still using comfortable gestures and being careful not to wake the sleeping boy up.
"I'll always be here for you my allium even if it doesn't look like it,thats a promise" he whispered.Soon enough Tubbo saw them and walked over,being curious about what happened.He was spooked when he saw the puddle of purple and the remains of the purple spewing from Ranboo's eyes,mouth,and nose but he smiled a warm smile when he saw Tommy being all protective
"C'mon i know you're still tired"
Tubbo sat down as Tommy looked at him
"Scooch in im not going to bite"
"You better sleep some more too you look like shit"
"Heh yea i will" Tubbo with his head resting on Tommy's other shoulder fell asleep quite quickly.
"I'll protect both of you guys even if that means making myself go through hell.You guys are getting out of here alive" he spoke.He rested his head on rams head careful not to poke himself with his friends horns and he fell asleep hugging both of his friends close to him,making sure no one can hurt them

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