Ho⍙'⎅ ⍙⟒ g⟒t he⍀⟒?

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His vision was blurry as tears filled his eyes.He's been alone for far too long.His feet wandering the empty halls of monotone yellow as his mind fell blank.
"I want to go home is that so hard to ask!"He yelled.His body ached like all of his bones were broken.His chest was burning like it was set ablaze and his heart pounded.He set foot in an office block but saw nothing still.Well not nothing,he found someone laying there.Was he or she dead? Are they breathing?who is this person? He asked himself as he found his own body moving closer.Carefully inspecting the details.Purple liquid spilling from the closed eyes and staining the bi-colored skin.The liquid went down the chin and onto the white button up as well as the red tie.
"RanBoo?" At the sound of his name the person opened their eyes,making more purple spill out.Their glowing purple eyes stared at the ground before closing again.The eyes returned as the normal Red and Green but they looked fearful.
"⏁-Tommy ⟟ can't Se-see"
"Its okay Ranboo its gonna be alright"
"Toms this has ⋏-never happened be-before"
Tommy didn't hesitate to wrap the other into a tight hug not caring that purple was getting onto his red and white baseball shirt.He can't care about his clothes he needs to care about protecting his friend.Ranboo just hugged back loosely as he stuffed his face in the others shoulder.
"Its alright don't be scared Tommy's here im here Allium"
He whispered into the others ear.He wanted Ranboo to know that he's there for him.
"⟟ still ca-can't see ⏁-Toms"
"Try to calm down Ran take deep breaths"
He exaggerates his breaths making Ranboo take the hint to follow his steady breaths.The purple liquid stops leaving him to see again.He pulls away making Tommy smile when he see's the now calm state of the enderman.The boy takes his thumbs and wipes any excess purple from the endermans cheeks before looking towards the doorway
"Its not safe to stay in one spot so how about we try to find Tubbo?"He asked.Ranboo just nodded and took the hand that Tommy extended out to him.
Both of them set foot outside the office block looking to the sides before cautiously walking to the left.They walked and walked and walked before they ran into someone
"OH Ranboo how I was worried,i didn't see you behind me then i started walking to find you and got lost an-"
"Bee im okay now i also found Toms he helped me"
The two hugged for sometime before Tommy cleared his throat
"Ahem im still here"
"Oh Tommy are you hurt?did anything chase you?"
"Im fine Tubs but how'd we get here?"
The three thought in silence but couldn't come up with an answer.They honestly didn't know.
"Anyway we should try and find some clues we need to get back home"Tubbo stated.The others just nodded and they walked straight forward.Making no small talk,letting the silence go through everyone's heads.
Nobody gets out here alive,you'll die here
The voices spoke.The enderman tensed up.
Your going to die,your going to die,your going to die,your going to die,your going to di-
He froze in his steps.
"Ranboo who are you talking to?"Tommy raised a brow.
"Boo i've checked the entire halls before you guys got here,we're alone"he paused
"Boo are you okay?"Ranboo looked at Tubbo.He can't be crazy but he trusts Tubbo
Don't trust anybody
Ranboo ignored the voice this time but was still cautious
"lets just keep walking" They did just so but not without Tommy shooting a side eye at him.They walked for hours,getting lost way too many times,before they found a door
"Im going to check these drawers over here before we go through that"Tommy spoke.He did so and found nothing so they rushed through the door.Instantly falling they looked down and saw nothing but black.They soon fell into a light flickering filled hallway with crates and boxes,it looks like a warehouse type place.
"This place is creepy"
"Yeah it really is"
"Lets just walk and find stuff"
They did just that as Tommy suddenly stomped on a box making it break open.He saw the resources and grabbed them
•2 Almond Water
•1 Anxiety Medication
•12 feet of rope
•3 flashlights
They tried distributing all the resources evenly.Tubbo having a flashlight and an almond water,Ranboo also having a flashlight and an almond water but also the rope,and Tommy having a flashlight and the anxiety medication.The lights flicker..flicker..then turn OFF.
A bright smile with two eyes came racing towards them.Gasps and then running was heard.Two of them raced down the hallway before one stopped.He couldn't help but wince as the smile got closer and closer to his friend.He sprinted back making sure to grab the others wrist and make them run towards where the other was.Soon the lights went back on.
"⋏-no the sm-smiles back the ⌇-smiles back-"the enderman shook holding his head in his hands,sinking down to the floor
"Toms whats going on?"
"I-i don't know Tubs"
Tommy spoke.He sat down on the floor in front of Ranboo and held his hand
"N-no ⎅-don't hurt me ⟟-got rid of ⊬-you you can't ⊑-hurt me no more"
The two shared a look.
"He thinks im dream;Ranboo im not dream"he spoke softlyThe enderman seemed to calm down after Tommy said that;almost making himself calm down
"Yo-your not dr-dream yeah your not dream your-your um"
"Its okay take deep breaths and don't overwork yourself to remember"
Ranboo took slow deep breaths and closed his eyes
How could he?.Forgetting one of his best friends!.his head racked himself with those vulgar thoughts though he kept them down
"your not dream"
"Thats Right im not"Tommy was happy his friend could realize he wasn't dream.Yes he was still disappointed that he forgot his name but it wasn't about that right now
"Are you calm enough to walk with me now?"The boy questioned as the other nodded.They slowly risen as Tommy kept his arm protectively around Ranboo's waist since-well he's simply too short for his friend.
"Stay close to me i want to make sure your okay and safe"Ranboo just nodded again as the three walked.They repeated what they did before with breaking open boxes/crates and taking the resources while they can.They were okay;one having a twinge of jealousy growing inside

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