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Jealousy.A powerful emotion that can ruin almost anything when involved.Tubbo didn't want to be but he couldn't help but have the twinging feeling when he saw Tommy being protective over Ranboo.Tommy normally never protects anyone but to see Tommy so overprotective over someone he hasn't before he couldn't bare it.He knows he shouldn't be feeling this way but he couldn't help it,he wanted to hold Ranboo and help him when he needs him too.For now Tubbo will keep to himself...For now.
  So far they got very far and got through many levels eventually no-clipping to level 11.They decided to finally take a break on a bench they found.
"I have one sandwich and an almond water left,we could all share?!"Tubbo stated.He might've been jealous at the other two but he didn't want them to starve as they were still his best friends.
"You and Ranboo can share im going to be exploring a way to get us out of here"Tommy spoke,yes he did know that it probably wasn't safe but if they wanted to get back home then there was no time for rest.He got off the bench and took a flashlight,walking off.No one stopped him as they saw the boy walk around a building,completely out of sight.
"Heres your half of the sandwich"Tubbo said,handing Ranboo his half of the sandwich.Ranboo gratefully took it and bit into it,the soggy bread and toxic taste of what looks like ham filled his mouth making him spit it out immediately.
"Don't eat it,it tastes like chemicals"
"I've gotten Nuke dust in my mouth before this can't be bad"
He ate the sandwich like it was normal which made the enderman wince with disgust.
"⟟ feel bad-that ⟟ y'know forgot the others name"
"Don't feel bad Boo Tommy understands,this place is probably fucking up your head again"
"Tommy thats his name"He whispers to himself.He couldn't help but go red when he felt two horns poke at his cheek.
"Is it alright if i rest my head here?"Tubbo asks.He didn't want to do anything that made his beloved uncomfortable
"Yea you can,try not to fall asleep"
"I won't" Silence for a few minutes
"Hey Boo?"
"Yea Bee?"
"Are we going to die here?"
Yes you are,your going to die stop denying the fact your going to die
"Tubs stop it right now,We aren't going to die and stop being so negative on everything"
Silence again.Tubbo just hummed in response not daring to say anything negative.
"I'll protect you Bee don't worry you can get some rest"
"You'll be alone with your thoughts so no i don't think so"Not thinking straight the enderman pulls the ram into his lap making sure he wraps his arms around him so he could protect him.Tubbo on the other hand was blushing profusely into the others neck as he laid there,eyes widened.
"I'm still gonna protect you"
Ranboo spoke confidently.Tubbo just smiled and lifted his head
"Thank you Boo i appreciate it" he gave the endermans jaw a small kiss before laying his head back in the crook of his neck.
An hour goes by and the two are still sat on the bench.Tommy was exploring a building when all of a sudden the building shook.He hugged his arm with his free hand and shone the flashlight.He saw some type of figure walking down the building so he ran,and ran and ran til he was down on the ground.Teeth sunk into his leg before he turned over and saw a dog?.A dog with a mans face and very sharp teeth to be exact.The dog pounced on him but Tommy grabbed his flashlight and shined the light in the figured eyes before the dog squealed in pain.He got the chance to run so he did.Back down the dark building before he saw another dog try jumping on him.He had the dog on his chest trying to bite him but he kept his hands around the dogs neck.He was trapped.The flashlight was across the room and if he moved then surely he would die.He couldn't move,The dog was too strong for him.His teeth sunk into his forearms and collar bone leaving a trail of blood from the mouth of the dog.He put his leg to his chest and punted it right in the stomach and quickly made a run for the flashlight.Once he got it he started to flash the light on the dog before booking it outside the best he could.The light blinded him as the sun warmed his body.He limped the best he could to the bench 50 feet away from him but suddenly fell.As his arms held him up they gave 'way since the weakness.Tommy wished he didn't go exploring especially by himself but now he knows something resides in the darkness.He laid on his right side tasting a metallic taste in the back of his throat.He licked his lips and thats when he found out he gotten a bloody nose.
He tried his best to pick himself up but all he could do was yell.so he did to the best of his abilities as his legs wobbled when he shakily stood on them.He walked with heavy breathing til he could hear his friends talking to each other.15 feet away now.So close yet so far.
The two looked at him and made their way to him.just as the others got up his legs gave out.One ran and ran then caught him before he hit the ground.He felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his body.He looked up to none other than Ranboo
"Toms what happened?"
"I got attacked by some dog-man hybrid creature"
He weakily put his arm on one of the endermans arm,resting it there.Blood stained the white part of his baseball shirt as more and more blood left his opened wounds
"TOMMY!"Tubbo sat down next to him practically taking him from the endermans arms.
"Are you alright!what happened?"
Tears fell onto the ground as Tubbo grew worried.
Was his best friend going to die?If he had just went with him then this wouldn't have happened
"Tubbo im fine i just need first aid before i pass out"
With no hesitation Tubbo's head whipped to his side basically pleading with his eyes to get the first aid.He held Tommy's body close as Ranboo patched up his wounds.
"Im okay Tubs im okay"
"Thank god"
Ranboo helped the boy stand and also walk towards the bench as Tommy laid his head down on his shoulder
"Thanks for patching up my wounds allium"
"No problem flower"
As Tommy fell asleep Tubbo leaned into Tommy as he put his arm around the ram.The two of them slept peacefully with Ranboo keeping watch.He was thankful to not be here alone but here with his friends.All of Tubbo's jealousy has gone away as all his mind could think of was Tommy being okay

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