⍙⟟re ⋔ons⏁⟒⍀

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How is it so cold?.Even with steam emitting from the ceilings goosebumps still lined the upper arms,teeth chatter,and bodies shake.
Tubbo started to wake up slowly as he rubbed his head
"What the fuck happened"He whispered.
The damp carpet gives off a stink that smells of death
"TOMMY?!" He screamed out.He doesn't remember being here especially alone.
"RANBOO" he screamed out again.How was he alone?.
Your always alone even in a group.No one is to be trusted.Betrayal is still there.Always there
His head pounded as he stood up.Rows of yellow covered walls with ripped wallpaper lined the halls
"Where the hell am i?"He stuck his hand out to touch the walls;finding its moist from the condensation of the carpets.His feet slipped with each step as he saw water appear from the bottoms of his feet
Keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving KEEP MOVING
The back of his mind being cautious of where he roams but his adventurous side of him destined for fun.
This is anything but fun
He started to walk whilst keeping his hand on the wall.To the left then to the right then straight then to the right again.He saw a person walk by.A tall person
Thats not a person.
As Tubbo saw it peer round the corner his eyes widened.His hands trembled and his body shook more than before.Thats not a person thats a thing.A thing made out of wires.A screech was heard before it started to run
I warned you,Keep moving,never stop
Tubbo ran.And he ran.And he ran.Swiftly turning corners and trying to lose this beast.He ran to a dark corner as the Wire beast ran past him.
"Im so out of shape for this"
He breathed heavily as he walked out.He continued to walk to wherever he could find something.Miles and Minutes past and yet still nothing.Tubbo was now on edge knowing that something was after him,His mind was racing with thoughts such as
'What was that thing?'
'Why is it chasing me?'
'Wheres Ranboo and Tommy?'
His thoughts stopped for a moment when he thought he saw the lovely color of a red tie.The person saw Tubbo staring but smiled.
They asked.They ran towards each other gleefully,happy to find someone
Betrayal is always there
"Its alright Bee im right here im not leaving"
He whispered into the others ear.Tubbo couldn't help but cry onto the tallers chest.Occasionally there would be hissing Ranboo didn't mind though,his friend needs to cry right now and he's not going to stop him
"Boo th-theres something here and-and it started chasing me.I ran as fast as i c-could but i-im so sc-scared"Tubbo cried out as he buried his head in the others chest more
"Its alright Bee ⟟'ve got you your not alone now im not letting go"
He soothed.Small sniffles were heard now and then as Tubbo wiped his nose with his sleeve while Ranboo played with his hair.
"Wh-w-why is it so c-cold in here?"
"⟟ don't know but here"
He started to take off his jacket giving it to the goat.Tubbo gratefully took it as he became engulfed in the sleeves.
"Sorry its just goats my age don't do very well in cold weather"
"⟟ understand it looks better on you even if its too big"
Tubbo ears twitched as his face grew red.He looked away from the red and green eyes he was staring at.
You'll never get anywhere if you have feelings.Push those aside and let your brain really work
Screams were heard again,The wire beast was here again.They ran away as fast as they could
"What the actual frick is that Tubbo explain NOW!"
He said.They ran past corners and huge rooms.
"Thats the monster i saw earlier as long as we out run it then we will be fine" He explained.Ranboo just nodded his head and he focused back on where he was running.The wire beast soon left as they went a different way.
"Bee have you found Tommy yet?"
Tubbo's eyes widened.He forgot about Tommy.
"Oh god I-I forgot he's probably either scared or dead im such a bad friend-"
"Bee your not a bad friend,he's not dead just please calm down and we'll go look for him"Grasped by the shoulders The goat looked up.He was met by red and green intimidating eyes staring at him,he looked away quickly as his friend doesn't like eye contact.
"We need to find Tommy put your jacket back on and lets go"
   Tubbo shoved the jacket in the endermans chest before walking off to a weird dark area.As Ranboo tied his jacket around his waist when he looked back up Tubbo was gone.He was alone again.He walked straight forward towards some office part and scanned the area.
    The office was empty but it had the walls of office cubes.He weaved in between them trying to find some clue but there was nothing.No notes or puzzles to read and complete,No monsters,nothing was here.
Danger is hurting and lurking.Everywhere you turn will leave you lost in the moist yellow walls and damp carpets
"Who's there?⟟ can hear you your not fooling me!"He looked in every direction and there was still nothing.Well except for the door he cane in there was nothing.As he sat down making sure to put his jacket underneath him he started to panic.
He doesn't know where he is.Tommy and Tubbo are still in the woods while he's in here
"RANBOO WHERE ARE YOU I TOLD YOU TO FOLLOW ME" Someone yelled out.his mind raced even more
'Who was that?'
'Is this my death?'
'How do they know my name?'
"No Ranboo your not going to die your just dreaming yeah just dreaming"
The feeling of a presence walking by made the enderman's eyes flash between his normal red and green to purple,red and green then purple again.
"N-no this ca-can't be ⊑-happening ⟟ ☊a⋏' ⏁ ⍀⟟g⊑t ⋏ow"
Your already loosing to the voices and the fun is just starting.
His shaky breaths hurt his chest as tears pricked his eyes.The rise and fall of his chest was rapid and his choked sobs made his ears ring.He couldn't hear anything or really see anything from the blurred vision of purple.His head pounding and body aching as the flashes from his eye color changing made him dizzy enough to pass out cold on the smelly old carpet

This fucked up place drives people mad and if your not careful enough you may just become one of the lucky people to find the joy in being insane

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