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23 2 1

(Fluff chapter ahead...TW!:Cuteness overload)
The blonde woke up a couple of hours later still holding the two of his friends.He smiled as he watched them contently
"Mmhm" a groan was heard as one started to wake up
"Did you sleep well my allium?"
"Memhm"Was the answer.The blonde just chuckled a bit at the groggy state of the enderman he held
"C'mon lets get up"
Low growls were heard as the Enderman wrapped his tail around Tommy's waist making sure he never got up.His grip on the boy got tighter as he stuffed his face more into his shoulder
"Sleep,i'll be here when you fall asleep and when you wake up"
"Th-thank you flower"
More soft snoring erupted again.Tommy was thankful to have these people here as his best friends.He would want nothing more but to go home though.He thought about the server and how even though there was wars and a LOT of arguments most of them caused by himself that the server was well kept together.Everyone just seemed to be content with their lives.Then he thought about Phil.Oh Phil.He missed his father very dearly and wondered if he was just as scared as himself.Sure Phil wasn't the perfect dad but he wasn't the perfect son either.
Then he thought about Wilbur.Dear middle child Wilbur,he would always sing him to sleep no matter what mood he was in.Would always joke around and let him fiddle with his acoustic guitar.
Then Techno.He wanted to watch movies from his childhood with him,he misses how no matter how serious he was that he always had a soft spot for him and his two friends.Always making sure nobody hurt them,always protecting.
And lastly his two friends.He loved being on this incredible creepy journey,as long as its with them he was happy even if he gets scared lifeless along the way.He likes it when he gets to protect them even though he has never done it before,he wonders why but his heart won't give him an answer.Sometimes its better to stay curious and that was just one of those things
"You alright bossman?"
He stepped out of his trance to look at the ram.
"Yea im alright just thinking bout Phil and others"
It took Tubbo a minute but he finally said something
"We'll get back to them Tommy don't worry"
Tommy was shocked.Tubbo finally said something positive for once
"Im worried about Ranboo though his enderwalk has been something new.It isn't his usual enderwalking either"
"Yea im worried too.i'll stick by him to make sure he's alright"
Tommy took a deep breath
"Okay for now lets brainstorm on how to get the fuck out of here so when he wakes up we can go immediately"
"Don't push it i just woke up a few minutes ago"
The two laughed a bit,still being careful not to wake the taller.
"Y'know for once this whole time i think this is the most calm i've seen Boo been"
"Yea i just wish he didn't have to go through with everything in his min-"
"⌇⏁⍜⌿ ⏁⏃⌰☍⟟⋏☌"
"Did he just sleeptalk in ender?Aww thats so cute"
"Does Tubbo underscore have a crush of Ranboo Beloved?!"
"N-no i don'-"
He shouted.A hand slapped over his mouth as the enderman stirred.Tommy trying not to get killed by Tubbo's glares.Tubbo jokingly pulled a small nuke out of his pocket.Once they revealed that the enderman wasn't going to wake up they sat in silence still.Well thats until they saw the glow of something shine into their eyes.
"Purple" Tommy whispered.His eyes widened after his brain processed on what to do.He couldn't let Ranboo's enderwalk get that bad again
"Tubs whatever you do if he gets up make sure to grab hold of something on his body like a piece of clothing or something,we can't leave him alone"
"Tommy explain now!"
"This place triggers his enderwalk but its something i've never seen before"
Silence.The enderman started to squirm again.Tommy held onto him as tight as humanly possible
"Its alright my allium im here just calm down i've got you"
The purple flickering eyes stared down Tommy until his eyes stopped.One purple and one crimson red eye.
"Toms wh-whats happeni-happening to me"
"We don't know just yet but if we figure out a way out of here as fast as possible then we can help you more Boo"
"Tubs is right,for now though we should try to calm down,we're gonna help you with this"
The two calmly spoke.Ranboo just nodded and started to exaggerate his breathing til it slowed down.
"Good job Boo!" tubbo stated whilst grabbing one of the endermans free hands.This action made the taller blush a bit as he tried looking into the others eyes.
Ranboo didn't know how to ask but he wanted Tubbo to hold him for a bit.He didn't want to put everything on Tommy and Tommy needed a break too.Reaching his hands out towards the Ram essentially making small grabby hands;the Ram chuckled before getting handed the enderman
"Well im going back to the bench to sleep so have fun you two"Tommy winked at Tubbo whilst signalling thumbs up before he walked off
"So why'd you want me to hold you"
"I wanted you too,well if you don't want to then ⟟ can go back to Tom-"
"I love holding you Boo don't worry,i actually found it pretty cute how you asked though"
"Heh i-⟟ guess s-so"
Snuggling into the warmth of the smaller jacket as he wrapped his arms around the Rams lower waist made Tubbo flush pink
"S-so its be-its been about a week since we got here,i've been trying to calculate how much longer we'll be here but-"
"Bee we get out of here when we get out,what your doing will just contort your mind into a mental burnout and we don't need that"
They looked at each other for a split second before Tubbo looked away
"Sorry i know you don't like direct eye contact"
"Its okay Bee its okay" he soothed.Patting the smallers head as Tubbo moved his head more into Ranboo's hand.
"I want to get out of here Tubbo but is my enderwalking going to keep me here?"
"No its not,everyone is getting out of here Boo alive"
"Okay I trust you Bee,you've been such a great help i thank you for that"He kissed his cheek.Tubbo went beet red with eyes wide,his stomach doing flips and body shaking with joy.
"Your too cute Bee,im going back to sleep if you don't mind"
"Okay i'll take that as a yes?Sweet Dreams Tubbo"
The taller laughed before curling up in the smaller's lap,resting his head on his chest comfortably,one arm around his waist and the other on his thigh rubbing circles with his thumb.
  The touch sent Tubbo into shock but soon smiled internally.He loved his Boo and now he was certain that his Boo loved him

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