part 23|victory but also loss|

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Wanda was wearing Natasha's jacket. Y/n was fuming but couldn't say anything. Otherwise, it would blow their cover.

Y/n was tasked to find Natasha. She searched everywhere before she finally came upon the cave where the assassin was being held.

"Natasha? Natasha?" Y/n called.


"You alright?"


"The team is in the city. It's about to light up."

"I don't suppose you found a key lying around here somewhere."

"Yeah, I did." Y/n held up a large weapon and powered it up. Natasha quickly stood out of its way.

Y/n aimed for the lock and quickly blew it off.

"I need to invest in one of these full-time round," she said with a smirk.

After Natasha had opened the door, she spoke again. "So, what's our play?"

"I'm here to get you to safety."

"Jobs not finished?"

"We could help with the evacuation, but I can't be in a fight near civilians. It could completely blow my cover. And you've done plenty."

"Y/n... it's my job. It's our job. We've got to help. We can give it a go still."

"I suppose."

Suddenly, the ground started to shake.

"Fuck, we've got to do something," Y/n said, grabbing Natasha's hand. "This way!"

Once the two girls had gotten out of the cave, they saw the uproar that had happened.

Steve spoke through the coms: "Stark you focus on bringing the city down. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off."

"Inspirational captain," Y/n said receiving a harmless punch on the arm from Nat. "What?" She laughed. Nat only rolled her eyes and smiled.


"Where else am I going to get a view like this"

"Glad you like the view Romanoff" fury interrupted through the coms

"Nice right? Cleared a lot of mothballs and some thread. She's dusty but she'll do"

"Fury you son of a bitch"

"Oo-oh. You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"This is Shield?" Pietro appeared. Y/n only smirked at his reaction

"This is what Shield is supposed to be." 

"This is not so bad" 

"Sir, we have multiple bogeys converging on our starboard flank" Maria spoke to Fury.

"Show 'em what we got"

"You're up"

"Yeah! Now this is going to be a good story to tell" Rhodey said excitedly

"If you live to tell it" Tony replied appearing from underneath the ship

"You think I can't hold my own?"

"We get through this I'll hold your own"

"You had to make it weird."


They all gathered around the drill as Ultron summoned some of his army.

"Is that the best you can do?"

"You had to ask"

"This is the best I can do. How do u ever hope to stop me."

"Like the old man said, together."


A heartbreaking scream could be heard from all around as Pietro dropped dead.

"Wanda!" Y/n shouted as she rushed off to go find the girl.

She found her in a train holding Ultron's  "heart'.

"It felt like that."

"Wanda... we need to leave before this thing blows."

"Leave me. He's gone. I have nothing to live for. No one."

Y/n just picked Wanda up as she could feel the ground shaking, she ran at full speed to one of the remaining helicarriers.

"Nat?" Y/n said over private comms, "Are you safe?"

"Yeah I've made it, have you?"

She sighed in relief, "Yeah."

She gently placed the girl down and made sure she was alright.

Placing a hand on Wanda's shoulder, she tried to bring the girl back to earth. "Wanda? Hey, it's going to be okay. We're going to take you to safety."

"He's...gone. He was my other half. I feel... empty. I've got no one. " She stared blankly whilst tears frequently flowed down her face.

"You'll be okay. Don't lose hope, you're strong. I can be there to help you if you would like?"

She slowly looked up, partially in shock. "W-what?"

"I can be there for you if you'd like?"


"I won't let you go off alone after that. You deserve better."

"I'd like that," she said in a quiet voice, bowing her head.

"You should get some rest. Take my seat and lie down."


As y/n drifted off too, she saw a familiar figure in the corner of her eye. That woke her up, seeing the redhead.

"Nat?" She said with joy. She got up and ran over, immediately hugging her. "Are you hurt?"

"Thankfully not. You?"

"Nope. Glad to see you're in good shape. Come over."

Natasha followed her and sat down next to the brunette.

"I would've thought you'd be on another helicarrier," Natasha said.
"I see you've got a new friend too"

"Yeah, she's gonna tag along. Her brother was the one who saved Clint so she's feeling a bit..."

"Yeah. I don't blame her. Do you think she'll stay in the compound?"

"I mean where else has she got to go? Her home was destroyed. I'm gonna try to be there for her as best I can. She hasn't had a good past and I can see a lot of myself in her."

"You're amazing y/n, you know that?"

She just blushed at the comment and held the redhead's hand.

"You seem tired," Y/n said as she gently let Natasha's head rest on her shoulder.

"You should sleep too." She mumbled.

"I will. I will." She responded, resting her head on the bench behind her.

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