part 45 |the task|

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Video games - Lana Del Rey

After weeks of torture and intimidation, Y/n had been manipulated into becoming the killer she once was.

When the mind control wears off she would have side effects. She would shake like crazy, her body temperature would drop and the migraines were incredibly painful. Her thoughts would always be going at a million miles an hour, so much so that she would stop hearing her surroundings for a while.

"Get her ready for the mission. I want her shocked and then given a new dose."

She was terrified. The sarcastic comments and smirks had stopped a long time ago, she couldn't keep the act up.

After being restrained onto a chair, they put a guard into her mouth. She shook with terror but had to act like it didn't bother her.

By this point, she had given up on the small fraction of hope that thought the Avengers would come.

She didn't want to admit that, but it had been weeks and there was no sign of them. She knew where she was would be impossible to find and she figured that if she was to get out, only she could help herself.

When the machine came down over her head it sent insanely high voltage through her head making her sweat and pull against the restraints.

She screamed at the pain, the guards around paying no attention.

When the time came for the serum, she had managed to train her body to be numb to it.

This serum had taken greater effects on her considering the amount she had taken in.

She was incredibly strong now, her speed was off the charts, and she could heal pretty deep wounds within days, not to mention how her reflexes had enhanced greatly.

Stygian had been forced to train against the winter soldier, becoming a match for his skills.

She sat in a room whilst they briefed her on the mission.

After being made to repeat the mission back multiple times they handed her a mask. It was a replica of the Winter Soldiers. She had been forced to wear specific clothes and had straps around her arms which contained more weapons and ammo.

Unfortunately, because the mind control wouldn't last long, as a precaution, Hydra had placed a small machine on the back of her neck, which would send a high enough voltage of a shock to make her collapse.


"We have a mission," Fury spoke to the people in the room. There was Nat, Steve and Sam. "Apparently, there is going to be a hydra rat meet with some people that is going to spill some of its future and current plans. I presume that Hydra already knows about his disloyalty and it is suspected that they will send someone out to fix it."

Natasha's eyes widened.

"I want you three to go and see if you can get any information whilst you are there. I want no interference, " Fury said, "If Hydra were to find out we know about when certain missions happen, all progress could be lost. Understood?"

"Understood." They all repeated.

They left the meeting room and the boys both knew that this mission would not go well.

Sam left Steve to talk to Nat for two reasons: 1. He was still scared of her 2. Steve is closer.

"Tell me what you're thinking," Steve said as the two stood in a corner.

"It's her. They'll send her."

"We don't know for sure. But if they do, we can't act irrationally. We could screw up everything."

There was silence for a while. Steve was looking at Nat for her to say or do something, and she was trying to figure out how to settle her emotions and get on with the mission.


A/n: sorry this chapter is short! It's to set up for the next chapter. :)

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