Rose Garden

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Sleep is the best distraction whenever you are angry and also one of the things he loves the most, but that night after returning back home he just couldn't. It made him angrier the more he tried so he just moved to the attic and started painting.

Removing his t-shirt he just randomly threw paints on the white canvas trying to indulge in something and put his mind to rest. He was desperate and art always relaxed him. In the end, he was able to put up a decent sketch, it was an open field, his own farmland, but instead of crops, they were filled with flowers, roses in particular.

He took a step back admiring his own hard work until things started to take a turn for the worse until he realized he didn't choose the color. The painting was filled with roses beneath the sky. The sun was about to set far away in the background.

And everything was green. The painting was covered in different shades of green, emerald green roses under the faint green sky. Even the setting sun was green, his steps faltered as he continued staring at the painting.

This painting was his last straw, as he ran down, searching his entire room. He didn't care at this point if he broke anything he was just looking for the thing that could make this all go away. He just didn't lose it, he knows this now.

He grew more restless when he couldn't find it in his room and marched towards the store room waking up the entire house. His parents followed him into the same room, looking at the disheveled condition, "Zayn beta, what's wrong?" His mother asked worried.

"Not now, mum. I need to find it," Trisha was scared to move closer to him seeing him throw things recklessly. So Yaser walked past the mess, holding him still, "Find what?" He asked.

"Dad please, not now," He moved past him.

"Beta, please talk to us. You are scaring me," Zayn was too far gone to listen to his mother. "Zayn," Yaser screamed that effectively got his attention.

"What are you doing? It's 3 in the morning,"

"I don't know. I don't know," He kept repeating. "I just need to find it please," he said hands on his head.

"Find what?" Yaser questioned frustrated.

"My diaries. I thought I lost them but maybe I didn't," His parents looks a little surprised at the revelation, "You are making a fuss just because of your diaries," He can hear the disappointment as clear as day in his father's voice.

"Maybe you just lost them," Trisha sighs. "So many things got misplaced since you moved here, it's no big deal," Zayn wants to shout again that for some reason it is a big deal. But he himself doesn't know the answer to that question.

"I am sorry," He mutters ready to get back to his bed when he hears Yaser, "Clean all this up young man," He gestures towards the condition of the room and Zayn can only nod in return.


Nobody takes you as granted as your best friends, just because you would do anything for them doesn't mean they should ask for it.

Groaning and huffing Zayn turned out at 8 in the morning to help Louis set up an art show for one of his friends and Louis says just because he has worked at one he probably is an expert. Truth be told he was just an art handler all he did was load and unload heavy boxes from one place to another.

It wasn't much and is barely related to the creative side of the department but it's not like Louis's determination could be hindered by a rational explanation.

First, Zayn was sure that he needed him to move stuff but when he reached he was surprised to know that they actually wanted his opinion on stuff he was ready to showcase for people. He would be lying if he said the creative side of the business didn't intrigue him, working in the same environment did arise his interest more and he picked up much of his style inspired from the exposure he had in his previous workplace.

But to actually be entitled to an opinion on what goes and what doesn't he felt a little underqualified for it.

Louis, Ben, and Zayn spent the entire day going through the new gallery and when he was looking at the replica of Gulistan, he heard a familiar voice. "So you are the owner?" He didn't even have to turn around to know who it is.

"Harreh," Two misunderstandings in two meetings is not a bad thing Zayn thinks.

"Do you like it?" He gestures towards the area. It's beautiful he knows, a well-put-together setup. Ben should really be proud of owning it.

"Nah," he shrugs. "I think museums are boring," He scrunches his nose and it's difficult to look past that adorableness but he tries. Unlike the last time, Harry is in a checkered suit, white and black his hair is a mess, all wild curls like before but this time it's not because of the wind, it looks like he messed them with his fingers, maybe out of frustration and his right index finger twitches in the hopes that one day he will be able to run his fingers along those curls.

"I think not, sir. It helps impress the one you are trying to date," It's a little straightforward and he doesn't know where all this sudden boldness came from.

"Seems lame," Harry presses his attention now on the art pieces as if he is trying to figure out why people even invest time in these. Zayn just keeps staring at his side profile not caring if he will notice until Zayn notices Harry moving towards Gulistan, "It's called Gulistan," Zayn starts.

Harry looks back at him, "Gul-issh- what?"

"Meaning Rose Garden. It's a manuscript--"

"A book," Harry interrupts folding his hands over his chest. "Yes, sir. The book it's supposed to be dated back to Mughal Emperor, 1500s it contains inscriptions from Mughal Emperors Jehangir and shah jahan too. The one actually behind the piece is a poet, Saadi,"

"Hmm, very interesting," Zayn chuckles because he knows sarcasm when he hears one, "Human beings are members of a whole. In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain. Other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain,"

Harry stares at him as he recites the lines and blinks as he ends it with, "Pain makes us human," There is a little blush on his face, his cheeks a little red, and Zayn knows he has won, "Are you impressed yet?"

Harry effectively out of his trance, "Smart ass,"

"I am gonna take that as yes," He replies cheekily. "Can we date then?" It's his lucky day he might as well test his luck.

His cheeks are tinted red again, "I am no museum expert but did you know it's difficult to date a single father? Pretty sure it's not allowed for sexy ones like you,"

Zayn moves two steps forward still determined to make it happen, "Going out to watch a movie is it allowed?" He whispers, "They are showing Love actually in the theatres would you like to go?"

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Not on pretty things,"

"Sure," Harry replies ignoring the previous comment.

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