Things I do for you

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Zayn really hopes it's the right one this time, climbing twenty-five floors what was he even thinking? For starters he wasn't thinking at all, not asking where does he live. Now on their date night, he thought it would be a romantic gesture to pick him up at his door, only he didn't know which door was Harry's.

He knocks on the eighth door of the twenty-fifth floor and relaxes when he sees Harry's face emerging from the opposite side of the entrance. "Your face feels like heaven to me," He mutters panting. Harry on the other hand is a bit confused seeing him drenched in sweat.

"Hello to you too," He says tentatively. "The things I do for you," He says again standing straight.

"What did you do for me?"

"Climbed twenty-five stairs," he huffs out. "I would also like to thank you for not living on the forty-fifth floor because I don't think I would have survived it at least not in this lifetime,"

"Okay, you are welcome. Why did you do it though you could have just waited outside the building?"

"I will answer your question, but first can I come in?" Harry moves inside allowing him to do the same. He scans the apartment. It's quaint and weirdly homey. Two-bedroom apartment with a little dining hall attached to the kitchen and living room with no tv he notices. Instead, it's more like a small library, with various books visible. He takes a quick look around.

Then he turns all his attention on Harry and says, "I thought it would be romantic," He answers the question from before.


"But damn real life is no romantic movie is it?" He says shaking his head as he notices Harry in tight black jeans and a black t-shirt with a cross necklace around his neck, his curls this time brushed aside wrapped behind a bandana and it's yet another picture of beauty for him.

"You look beautiful," He says tucking the loose strand of curl behind his ear. He can feel Harry shake a bit because of their closeness, "I hope this is allowed," he asks in a whisper almost.

Harry looks up directly into his eyes as he nods, "It's romantic," Zayn the butterflies in his stomach makes him realize maybe real life is not so different from romantic movies.

After a few moments when they finally get ready to move out of the apartment, Harry asks, "You never told me which theatre we are going to,"

"Oh yeah about that, we are not going there. It's a drive-in cinema,"

Harry is a little shocked, "There is no way we have a drive-in theatre here,"

Zayn grins, "You want to know one more thing to feel familiar with the neighborhood?"

"No way," He shakes his head again unable to believe it.

They sit in their car in a huge drive-in theatre which Harry learned is actually owned by one of Zayn's friends and just like him he is a sucker for old classic stuff. There are at least fifty cars in here facing the beautiful view of the city lit by city lights and in front of them is a big screen running Love Actually.

The movie starts, When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge—they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually, is all around."

Halfway through the movie, Zayn notices him crying when Mark confesses his feeling to Juliet. He is trying his best to hide it but a lone tear still passes onto his right cheek. He reaches forward entwining his hands with Harry's effectively breaking his attention from the movie.

"I don't like it either," he starts. "I mean it's a Christmas movie you are not supposed to make people cry on holidays. But then they also say, at Christmas, you tell the truth,"

He leans forward brushing the tears away from his cheek, "You don't have to hide it,"

"It's not Christmas," Harry whispers.

"No harm in being honest,"

He moves back and they watch the whole movie together their fingers still entwined together until the end of the movie, until the last song of the end credit plays.

God only knows what I'd be without you.

God only knows what I'd be without you.

God only knows what I'd be without you. 

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