Day 2

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Day 2

"Hi Ash!"

"Oh, hi Keldeo!" said Ash as the colt Pokemon trotted up to him, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great!" said Keldeo, "I wanted to thank you for helping me become a Sword of Justice. I don't think I would have been able to learn Secret Sword without your help."

"You're welcome," said Ash, "have you been able to beat Kyurem yet?"

"Not yet," replied Keldeo, "I'm much closer now, but he's still a little stronger than me."

"With the way you're going," said Ash, "I'm sure you'll be able to do it very soon."

"Yeah!" said Keldeo, "That's why I'm going to train extra hard after this short vacation."

"Great!" said Ash, "Let me know if you beat him,"

"You'll be the first one to know," said Keldeo, "after all, without your help, I would probably still be in training."

Ash scratched his head. "Hey, it was no trouble,"

"I know, but it still means a lot to me." said Keldeo, grinning, "Anyway, I have to go now, but I'll visit you as soon as I can. You live in Pallet Town, right?"

"Yeah," said Ash, "although I'm not there very often..."

"I'm sure I can find you," said Keldeo, "it was great seeing you. I hope you have a great time here!"

"K, bye Keldeo!"


"You really helped him a lot you know, I checked the timeline, and if you didn't help him, he would still be trying to learn Secret Sword."

"Celebi!" exclaimed Ash, "How are you doing?"

"Great!" said Celebi, "Just wondering, have you found Sammy yet?"

"No," said Ash, "I've been looking for him, but I can't seem to find him,"

Celebi giggled, "You've already met him you know,"

"I have?" asked Ash.

"Yep!" said Celebi, "Do you know Professor Oak's first name?"

"Um... no?" said Ash.

"His full name is Samuel Oak," said Celebi, emphasizing the 'Samuel.'


Pikachu facepalmed.

Celebi sighed. "When he was a boy, he was also known as Sam or Sammy,"

"Wait," said Ash, starting to figure it out, "do you mean Sammy is Professor Oak?"

"Yep!" said Celebi.

"Why didn't he tell me then?" asked Ash.

"Well," said Celebi, "I kinda told him not to,"

"Why?" asked Ash.

"Because if you knew about events before they happened, you would have acted differently, wouldn't you?" asked Celebi, "And besides, would you have believed him?"

"Actually..." said Ash.

"Oh, that's why he hid the Charmander!" said Pikachu.

"What do you mean, hid the Charmander?" asked Ash.

"When you came to get your starter, he hid Charmander so he could give me to you," replied Pikachu.

"Why would he do that?" asked Ash.

"You told him that I was your starter, remember?" said Pikachu.

"But what if he had given me Charmander instead?" asked Ash.

"Well, that's why Dialga and I have to keep track of time," said Celebi, "It's kind of hard to explain, though, even I get a headache sometimes just thinking about it."

"Well, thanks for making sure I got Pikachu," said Ash, "I mean, a Charmander would have been cool, but Pikachu is way more awesome! Right buddy?"

"No kidding," said Pikachu, "I might have still been stuck in that lab."

"You're welcome," said Celebi, "and thank you for helping to save me from that crazy masked dude." She shuddered. "Those dark balls are not fun at ALL,"

"Eh," said Pikachu, "we've had to deal with worse before. Ash didn't die that time, so that's a plus,"

"I know," said Celebi, "I knew then too, which seems weird but you know..."

Ash nodded, "You couldn't tell us because it would mess up the timeline."

"Exactly," said Celebi, then paused for a second. "Oops, gotta go. I think I'm calling myself from a different time,"

"How does that work?" asked Ash.

"It's hard to put it into words," said Celebi, "time is like a fourth dimension, except you can't visually see it,"

"In that case, Ash has no chance," said Pikachu.

Celebi winked. "Maybe someday then. See you later!"

"Bye!" Ash waved as Celebi blinked out of existence (well, existence at that specific time anyway).


"Hi Ash!"

"Hi Mew!" said Ash, "wait a minute, which Mew are you?"

"Last time I checked there was only one of me," said Mew, "why?"

"You were at New Island and the Tree of Beginning?" asked Ash.

"Yep! Didn't you recognize me?"

"Well, you didn't seem to recognize me so..."

"Technically, you weren't supposed to recognize me since Mewtwo wiped everyone's memory." said Mew, "so it would have been weird if I acted like I knew you."

"Then how do I remember?"

"Weird stuff, Dialga said something about time travel," replied Mew.

"Great, how many timelines did I mess up?" groaned Ash.

"You mean fixed?" said Pikachu.

"Right," said Ash.

"Yep, you fixed 3-4 timelines depending on which timeline you're talking about," said Mew, "and sorry about those times we met, I think you died both times..."

"That's ok," said Ash, "It's kinda my job,"

"What, dying?" asked Pikachu, "cause that's not too inaccurate,"

"I meant saving legendaries," said Ash, "dying is more of a side effect than a job."

"Thankfully for everyone else, you never seem to stay dead," said Mew, "but anyway, I got lots of things to do. See you later!" Mew giggled and teleported to whereabouts unknown to Ash.

"Geez, I wonder where everyone's going in such a hurry," said Ash.

"Well, they technically govern the universe, you know," said Pikachu, "that's got to be a time-consuming job."

Little did Ash or Pikachu know, Ash's question was being answered as a meeting unknown to either of them was happening just a few rooms away...

Hall of Origin, Meeting Room...

"Alright, so that's Keldeo, Celebi, and you today, right?" asked Arceus.

Mew was holding a clipboard. "Yep, that should be enough,"

"Alright," said Arceus, "remember, all of you are free to enjoy your visits with the Chosen One but try to keep them short so everyone who wants to visit can."

There was a murmur of agreement.

"And don't forget," continued Arceus, "keep the gift a secret so we can surprise the Chosen One on the last day,


There's the chapter!

Sorry I took a while, I am preparing for the Pokemon TCG regionals and most of my free time is spent practicing for them.

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter please leave a review and consider joining my discord server, ( it helps encourage me to keep writing!

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