Day 7

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Day 7

"Aah!" said Ash, "Pikachu!"

"What?" asked Pikachu, "You told me to wake you up for breakfast,"

Ash looked at the clock. "It's 6:00!"

"Don't blame me," said Pikachu, "Mew told me that breakfast was at 6:15,"

Ash groaned. "Then let me sleep for another 15 minutes,"

"You know it will take at least that long to get there," said Pikachu, "besides, if we don't get there on time, all the food might be gone,"

"At six?"

"I dunno, it could be one of Mew's pranks but..."

"Alright, I'm coming," Ash slowly climbed out of bed, got dressed, and headed out with Pikachu.

"Hello!" called Ash. No Answer. "Anyone?" Silence.

"There's something," said Pikachu pointing to a lone table.

Ash walked over to the table and picked up a piece of paper that was there.

To Ash,

Don't worry about our absence, there is a very important matter we need to attend to,

If you're hungry, there's some breakfast in the main hall.


"Huh?" asked Ash, "That's odd,"

"Yeah," said Pikachu, "usually whenever they do something important we have to get involved."

"Wait a minute," said Ash, "what was the point of waking up at 6:00 then?"

"That's right," said Pikachu, "why would Mew tell me if..."

"Unless," said Ash, "something happened to them! Quick, buddy, let's go!"

Ash and Pikachu then bolted towards the main hall.


Ash was, as usual, partially correct. Heavy emphasis on the partially. However, his conclusion about 'something happening to them' was slightly different than he thought.

Mew giggled, "Told you it would work,"

Arceus groaned. "Fine, you can have as much sugar as you want this week,"

"Yippie!" yelled Mew and began stuffing large amounts of candy into her mouth.

Arceus sighed. "Is everything ready?"

A chorus of agreement came from the legendaries and mythicals present.

"Good," said Arceus, "now, we wait,"


"*pant* You remember which way it is, *pant* right?" asked Ash to his partner.

"Yeah, *pant* it was *pant* this way," replied Pikachu.

"How *pant* much *pant* further?"

"*pant* We're almost *pant* there,"

Ash and Pikachu reached the doors of the main hall, burst them open, and...


Ash and Pikachu stopped mid-run and looked around in confusion.

"Oh," said Ash, glancing at the balloons and food, "who's the party for?"

Every Pokemon in the room (including Pikachu who didn't take long to figure out what was happening) did a collective facepalm.

"Did I say something?" asked Ash, still completely confused.

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