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We ordered our food and left the establishment, walking to our Chevrolet Malibu. It was a nice car, but it needed a car wash. "So, how far away are we from grandmas?" Alex asked, stuffing his face with a cheeseburger. "From here, probably five minutes" Mom answered stuffing her own face with a cheeseburger. I wasn't able to eat my food, since I was still watching Blue's Clues with Asher. I put Ash in his car seat and set it up so he could eat his happy meal and watch Blue's Clues. Alex got in and buckled him up while I went to the passenger side of the car and got in. "Alex can you hand me my Big Mac?" I asked and he handed it to me. "I still can't believe you got a Big Mac." Alex said. "Listen lil bro. I'm starving and a woman's gotta eat." I said and let out a laugh as did everyone. Mom pulled out of the McDonalds parking lot and started driving to grandma's. 

After about 3 minutes we pulled into a driveway with a giant fucking house. It had a water fountain in the front and a circle type driveway. The house was all stone and it looked like it was high maintenance. It was breathtaking. "Told you she was loaded." I said in shock. 

No one said anything, we were staring at the house

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No one said anything, we were staring at the house. It wasn't even a fucking house it was a fucking museum of some sort. Mom parked the car and we all got out of the car and grabbed our shit. "Who's knocking?" Everyone asked, even Asher. "Dibs not it." Everyone had their finger on their nose, besides me. "Fuck you guys." I said, scoffing and walked up to the giant house. 'One. Two. Three.' I knocked and it must've echoed throughout the house. I saw my grandma walking to the door and start smiling. She opened it and pulled me into a big hug. I started wincing because MAN was she a tight fucking hugger. I hugged her back though. "Hey grams." I said and wanted to start crying again. She was a comforting old lady. I knew that. I missed her. I haven't seen her in ages. 6 years ago. When mom wasn't with Ben, before grams was rich RICH. "Oh my sweet thing." She let me go and cupped my face looking sad. "Hi." I said trying to smile. "You poor beautiful thing" She said. "Well come in come in." She said and ushered us in. She brought my mom into a hug. "Hey momma." My mom said. "What happened to your throat dear?" Grandma asked my mom. "We should sit down before I explain it all to you." She said and my grandma nodded. "Why don't you guys go pick out your rooms. You'll all have your own bathrooms too." She said with a kind smile. "Thanks grams" I said and the boys were already up the stairs. "We'll talk later, just me and you" She whispered in my ear and smiled. I walked away smiling knowing I was safe. 

A/N: Kind of a short chapter and it was suuuuper boring. Literally of these are. Tom will be joining us very shortly here though. :) 

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