Hate Runs Like a River.

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I don't know how long I was under the water for, but turns out Mary-Anne had to drag me out and get water out of my lungs. "Aria, are you okay?" She asked and I gave her a thumbs up. She suddenly shoved me off of her and started yelling. "ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF?!?!?!" I sat there for a few, thinking this over. I don't think I was trying to in the bath, it just kinda happened. "No?" I said, shrugging and smirking. "You seriously had to think about that?" She said and crossed her arms. I stood up and walked towards her, staring into her emerald green eyes. She started breathing heavily and I knew I was messing with her mind. "Yes." I whispered low into her ear and she shuddered. I backed her up into the wall and she started breathing even more heavily. We always played this game. Who would break first, I normally always won because she can't handle the sexual tension. In a way, we were friends with benefits, mainly because I trusted her not to hurt me or do anything without my consent, but also because she was hot as fuck and I needed some sort of woman interaction soon enough. "What are you doing, Aria?" She shuddered. "What's it look like, love?" I purred into her ear and she mumbled "fuck." She was gonna lose soon and we both knew it. I started trailing my lips along her collarbone, her breathes becoming even more unsteady. "You want me, love?" I mumbled against her skin. She nodded her head and I chuckled, low in my throat. 

'tom.' I suddenly thought. All of a sudden I couldn't stop thinking Tom as I continued with what I was doing to her. She wrapped her arms around my naked waist and then, again, 'tom.' I slowly pulled away from her and walked out. She stood there for a few good minutes, still dumb-founded as to the interaction we just had. Tom, would not leave my head and soon enough I grew frustrated. "FUCK." I yelled and Mary-Anne rushed out. "What's wrong?" She asked. I knew I could tell her, she was my friend, not just a friend with benefits. "Hold on. Can you throw me some clothes?" I asked and she nodded, digging through my bags. She threw me some plaid sweats and a random white shirt. I quickly threw them and patted the spot beside me, so she could come sit. She sat down quickly and asked what was wrong. "So you know, how earlier, when I was doing whatever?" and she nodded, urging me to go on. "I kept, thinking of Tom. I don't know why. I fucking hate him. But it was so random." I said and she sat there thinking for a moment. Seconds suddenly felt like minutes and I started growing worried that I had hurt her feelings. "You can hate someone and still think of them. It's a psychological thing. How do I explain this. Ok, so when someone cheats on their partner, they normally think of them. It's the chemicals in our brain. We're like wired to think of that specific person because of the strong feelings we have towards them." I was confused as to why she gave me a cheating example. "Why'd you give me a cheating example then?" She laughed and I sat there confused. "44% of men cheat because they weren't getting enough sex, that doesn't mean they still don't have strong feelings towards their partner. 40% of women cheat because they don't feel wanted, or needed, once again that doesn't mean they don't have strong feelings for their partner. I'm not saying that in all cases these are the exact reasons, I'm just trying to prove my point." She said and I considered this for a minute. 

"You have strong feelings towards Tom, not like love or anything, but hate is a strong feeling." I nodded understanding what she meant. "And no, you didn't hurt my feelings, I get it." She said and I turned my head towards her and she was smiling. I smiled at her back, thankful I didn't hurt her feelings. "Come on let's go to bed, Bill wants to hang out today." She said, I looked at the clock on my nightstand seeing it was 1:30. I nodded my head and I curled up in the covers and letting my eyes get heavy. 

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