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Tom fucking Kaulitz. The man everyone wants, but the man that I have. Right, not for long. "WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME THEN!?!?!" I screamed in his face. "I WAS GOING TO I SWEAR!!" He yelled back at me. "WHEN TOM WHEN!?!?" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air. He threw his hands up as well, having an exasperated look on his face. "I DON'T KNOW BUT I DO KNOW I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU!" He yelled, his voice echoing throughout his room. I've been staying with Tom most of the time, me and my mom kept getting into arguments about the stupidest shit. 

I sighed and sat down on his bed, he sat next to me. He tried pulling me into a hug but I just pushed him off. "You know, I may have been in abusive and non-consensual relationships, but at least they never cheated on me." I said, looking down at my hands. "Are you comparing me to your shitty ass ex's?" He said, pretty quietly. "I know, it's wrong, but you cheating on me..," I paused and looked up at him and into his eyes. "Is another kind of low. Hell, "I scoffed. "Even my mom's abusive ex boyfriend didn't cheat on her. I'm not saying what they all did was wrong, even if he did sexually assault me, it's another kind of low Tom. I would NEVER in a million years do that to you. I loved you. Fuck, I still do. I opened up to you, I showed you my body, I showed you my scars. I tried giving you everything I had, I tried being perfect. You told me you would forever love me and that you PROMISED you wouldn't hurt me. You probably meant physically, but this THIS does hurt, it hurts more than any other physical pain I could imagine. I trusted you, and you betrayed that. I trusted you enough to go out to bars and get drunk. You have lost all of my respect to you." I finished. He looked away from my eyes and I couldn't read his face. Pain? Anger? Hatred? I don't know. I sighed and stood up. "You better have a good explanation before I storm out of this house." I said. 

Tom's POV: 
"You better have a good explanation before I storm out of this house." She said. I didn't though. That was a problem. I didn't know why I did it. She didn't give me a good reason to, or any reason at all. I didn't know how to answer, so I just stared at my hands. I mean, everything she said was true. She opened up to me, showed me her body, her scars, she trusted me not to do anything stupid. Yet, I had to fuck it up by getting to drunk and fucking some random bitch in my car. "I'm waiting, or I'm packing my clothes and staying in Bill's room tonight." She said, I looked at her, I couldn't decipher what emotion was shown on her face. It looked like a mix of anger, and hurt. "I don't know why I did. I felt overwhelmed being in an actual relationship I guess." I said while still looking at her. She scoffed and shook her head. "Right, you couldn't handle your emotions. You know I was fucking overwhelmed too, with being in a healthy relationship and what not, but that doesn't mean I was off sleeping with random dudes." She said, and I nodded my head, agreeing with her. She was loyal to the end. She sighed, and rubbed her her temples. "I want all the details of how it happened." She said sinking down against the wall and curled into a ball. I nodded  and started talking, "Basical-" She cut me off. "NO I DON'T FUCKING WANT A BASICALLY OR ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT I WANT LITTLE DETAILS, NOT A SUMMARY." She yelled and sighed before continuing, "All that you can remember. And don't even think about fucking lying to me either, because I'll find out one way or another." She said. I nodded and started talking. "I went to the bar, as you know, and I started drinking, and I was drinking a lot, due to stress. Some girl came up to me, and she reminded me of you, what with her eyes and hair. She started talking and I kissed her. I don't know why, but I just did. We went to my car and fucked. That's all I remember." I said, sighing. I told her all of it, the truth. She sat there, looking at the ground and just nodding her head. "Aria, I'm so fucki-" She cut me off once again. "Apologies don't mean shit. That's all I needed to hear." She said and got up. She grabbed a bag from under my bed, already having all her clothes in it. "I'm sleeping in Bill's room tonight, as it's too late to go home. In the morning I will be leaving. Once I leave I want you to cut all contact with me, deleting my number from your phone and blocking me on Instagram and all social media. I will still keep in contact with Gustav, Bill, and Georg. You have lost all of my respect." She said with her hand on the door, ready to go stay the night in Bill's room. 

A tear slipped and I wanted to cry, I don't know why. I never cried. "Aria, please." I practically begged. "I'm sorry it was a stupid mistake, I never wanted to hurt, I only did it because she reminded me of you. I regretted it as soon as I did it. You were on my mind the entire time. Please Aria, I'll change. I won't do it again." I was sobbing. 'fucking great' I thought. She held her hand up towards me, cutting me off from saying anything else. "If you really want me back that bad, your gonna have to fuking prove it. Only two weeks into our relationship and you cheated. Your going to have to work your ass off if you ever want my trust back. Maybe in another lifetime though, we could've been perfect without any complications." She said walking over to me. She gave me a kiss, gentle and soft, it was her goodbye kiss. She pulled away and walked out. I sat back on my bed thinking of how I could I win her back. I obviously couldn't sleep with anyone, nor did I want to. I couldn't think of anything. I'd talk to Bill tomorrow, I just wanted to go for a drive and clear my head. 

Aria's POV: 
I walked into Bill's room and he looked at me. I closed the door and just stood there not knowing what to do. A tear slipped out and Bill held his arms open. I walked towards him and collapsed into his arms, numbness over taking my body. I let my sobs out and he held me, like a baby. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He whispered and I nodded my head. "Tell me what happened liebling" -darling. He said the last word in German and I pulled out of his warm chest, away from his comforting heartbeat and breathing. "Tom cheated." I said but Bill already knew that. Tom had somehow convinced him to not tell me, as he would do it on his own time. He nodded, urging me to continue. "He told me everything and he said he didn't have a reason to, he just did it. He said that she reminded him of me, and that he thought of me know," I paused and looked down at my hands. Bill grabbed my hands intertwining his fingers with my own, it was such a comforting feeling really. "But I didn't believe him. I know it was inly two weeks, but those two weeks were perfect, up until last night." I chuckled before continuing. "I told him that if he could prove he really did want me and he wouldn't do it again, I would maybe consider a second chance. But knowing him, he's probably gonna go sleeping around." I smiled and looked down at our hands. His thumb was rubbing my hand, and I took a deep breathe, knowing I could tell Bill anything and everything. "I don't know why I feel like this Bill. I hate him so much, but I love him so much." I said, letting another tear fall. Bill took my face and cupped it with his hands, using his thumb to wipe the tear away. "Er ist ein dummer Mensch. Er konnte nicht erkennen, was die ganze Zeit direkt vor ihm war. Ich würde mich einfach von ihm distanzieren. Er ist Ihre kostbare Zeit nicht wert. Er liebt Sie aber wirklich. Wir werden sehen, wie sehr, wenn er versucht, seine Liebe für Sie zu beweisen. Bis dahin, viel Spaß. Du bist eine erstaunliche Frau, Aria, jeder Mann wäre glücklich, dich zu haben. Lass ihn nicht versuchen, das zu ruinieren. Ich werde immer für dich da sein, Liebes."-He is a stupid man. He couldn't tell what was right in front of him the entire time. I would just distance myself from him. He is not worth your precious time. He does truly love you though. We'll see how much if he tries to prove his love for you. Until then, have fun. Your an amazing woman, Aria, any man would be lucky to have you. Don't let him try and ruin that. I'll always be here for you love. He said in German, and I felt better already. His phone rang on the nightstand and he reached over to pick it up. "Hello?" He asked the person on the other line. His eyes dropped and his he stopped breathing. I was confused. "What?" I said quietly. "Is he okay?" He asked, a tear coming through. I knew immediately who he was talking about. "Yes, we'll be there." He said and he hung up. "What?" I asked. "Aria, we have to go now." He said. "Bill, it's 3 in the morning." I said and he ushered me out the door, running down the stairs, skipping at least half of them. I grabbed his wrist and he stopped, turning towards me. "BILL! What is it?" I asked searching his watery eyes. "Tom, got into a serious car accident." 

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