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We just landed in Bradford the cold air hit our faces it's currently ten in the morning. Zayn put everything in the rental car and opened the door and I walked in "You know that I know how to open a car door right?" He laughed and pecked my lips "I know, my love" And with that, he closed the door and came to his side and turned on the car, I leaned forward and turned on the heater "My dad is landing tonight and he is staying near your family house he said he booked a hotel there" Checking the messages "I know which one it is it's like five minutes drive" I saw the messages from the girl's group chat and burst out laughing "Tar shaved Max's hair and now Val is thinking to do it to Jack" I looked at Zayn seeing him laughing "Max and Tar are gonna spend the holiday's together you know? Cause their families have known each other for a long so they got together" I locked my phone after replying and looked outside the window.

"It's nice that they are spending it together I'm still surprised that they didn't like fell for each other but again they don't want commitments, Zayn look at that shop! It's like a small coffee shop and looks cosy" Turning to him "It wasn't here when we came" He looked at what I was looking at and then back at the road "We go try it while we here" I smiled and he pulled into the driveway "Back Home" He turned off the car and looked at me "Welcome to the second Christmas with the Malik's in Bradford" I laughed and he walked out from the car. Last Christmas his family flew to NY and we spend it all together but this time it is at their home "Give me the bag and two pieces of luggage" He passed me my hand and two of our luggage "All this stuff for two weeks" I laugh started to walk to the door "It's also with gifts" I knocked and Zayn came and opened the door "Mom told me to just go in" I shook my head and followed him.

"MOM? GIRLS?" I looked around and suddenly they came running pulling us into a hug "WE MISSED YOU" I hugged them tightly "How are you, girls?" They smiled and I hugged Mamma "We have so much to tell you," Wali said grabbing my hand and pulling me with them "Zayn we see you later we are gonna go gossip" I looked at Zayn seeing him laugh with Mamma and I waived at them and went with the girls.

*Zayn POV*

"Are you both hungry? Want breakfast?" I shook my head sitting down on the isle chair "No thanks Mom and Yasmin with the girls if I go there they kill me but she ate just before we landed so I don't think she is hungry, I am keeping track of her eating and thank god she is starting to eat like before" She smiled "I am proud of you for everything for working your ass off and for being clean" She hugged me from the side and I put my arms around her standing up and pulled her closer "I love you Mom" She smiled "I love you too" I sat down again, "So you ready for the plan? You asked her father right?" I nodded "Yeah I did and hopefully the plan continues doing well, she doesn't know anything" She sat down next to me and handed me a cup of tea "She shipped your gift here" I laughed cause she mentioned it back in NY "Yeah she told me I swear sometimes I am dating a child with full of secrets but innocent ones" Taking a sip of the tea and continued to talk with mom.

*Later that day*

"ZAYN CAN YOU COME INTO THE KITCHEN PLEASE?" I sat up from the sofa the girls went out god knows where they grabbed Yasmin and left and it's been four hours, "Yeah Dad?" I sat down next to him "What time are you going for Rob, son" I checked the time "He rented a car so he will come here after the flight and he is staying five minutes away" He nodded "So I will start dinner soon so when he comes it be ready and Yaser can you call one of the girls and tell them to come back home please" My Mom said and Dad did what he told her. I stand up "I am going into the yard to smoke" I grabbed my phone and walked out.

To: My Baby <3 

Hope you are having fun, my love. I miss you xx

I sat down and lit up the joint taking a few drags I felt my phone vibrate and checked the message.

From: My Baby <3 

I am and I did something hopefully you love it. I see you in a few we are on the way, I love you xx

I switch off the joint put it in the packet and walked back inside "The girls are on their way" opening the fridge and took a bottle of water "It's so cold outside but it's not raining" I said sitting down "The girls said that they did something" I looked at dad "Even Yas she said that" He chuckled "I swear these women drive us crazy" Mom turned and hit him on his head "OW" I burst out laughing "Why don't you say that without us you man won't do nothing" then she turned to me and I stopped "Now both of you start to help me with food" I sat up and walked to mom and even dad making mom laugh "Oh how I love you both" I smiled and we started to help her.

After twenty minutes we heard the girls coming in laughing "IN THE KITCHEN" I yelled and they came in and as soon as I saw them the fork that I had in my hand flew down from my hand "Holy shit" Mom turned and gasped "Wow Girls!" My dad said you see my siblings are blonde and MY GIRLFRIEND'S HAIR IS DARK BROWN AND WITH BANGS "Well can't you say something?" I blinked "You all look amazing and babe? Fuck it suits you" I walked to her and packed her lips "Thanks love, my dad is gonna land soon" I nodded hugging my siblings "Food is almost ready go take a shower and get ready" My mom said and we did what she told us.

"Do you like it?" We are in my room she just came out from the bathroom wearing a cute jumper and leggings "I love it, babe" grabbing her hand pulled her close and kissed her "I am gonna go downstairs" I groaned "No wait for me to get ready" She chuckled sitting down on the bed "Go get ready be quick" I nodded and grabbed the clothes "If you let me joining you we would be done already" gave her a wink and walked to the bathroom.

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