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It's Finally NYE and I am helping Mamma with the party stuff. Zayn went to buy something with my Dad and Baba, and the girls are decorating "This goes with that mille" I nodded and did what she told "How are you feeling? You threw up again?" I looked at her "No and Zayn finally stopped about the test" She chuckled "I mean I get it he is worried but I know my body" She poured some wine "It's true when I was pregnant with Doniya I didn't know I was pregnant until 3 months as for Zayn I couldn't hold nothing even the smell of food made me sick" I sat down drinking some wine.

"Sometimes he makes me mad but then I think about it and think of it differently" She sat down next to me "He is protective of the girls and even of you when we take you somewhere he won't stop messaging me if we are okay and if you are okay and when you work and stay long or have to work all nights he calls me sometimes waking me up saying that you are working and he can't sleep so I end up talking to him till you come and he will hang up and fake sleeping" I looked at her shocked, "I didn't know that" She put her hand on mine "You both love each other so much and when he told us about buying the house and surprise you and telling me to fly in I was shocked and happy. My babies are all grown up and finally settling in" I squizzed her hand "We love you, Mamma" She smiled "I love you all now let's continue" I laughed and we continue with the food.

*Zayn POV*

The girls are in Doniya's room and I am in mine getting ready. Yasmin is with them which for me is perfect cause I wanted to do something and didn't want her to listen, I sat down on the bed and called my lads I already told Max, Jack, and the girls so the band guys next.

"What's up, bro" Niall pickup first and I laughed "You not ready yet?" He shrugs "She takes long so when she starts her hair I shower" Louis joined in "HELLO FUCKERS" He's already drunk "Louis, you're drunk," Niall said just in time Harry and Liam joined. We talked a bit and wished each other HNY "Guys I am gonna do it" I said and everyone gasped "Finally! We are proud of you" I smiled at Liam's comment "I know we had our ups and down's but now we are closer and I am truly happy for you mate also thanks for the present" I nodded smiling I sent them all a gift and Louis sent him two due it's his Birthday and Xmas. We said goodbye and See you later and hung up.

I sat up and looked at myself and smiled seeing myself in a suit "Let's do this Zayn" I opened the door and walked downstairs seeing everyone arrived on time it was nine in the evening and the waiters are walking around passing food "Zayn" I turned and saw Rob "Yasmin is coming down now" I smiled "You okay? You can do this" I hugged him "Thank you" He drank his whiskey "Anytime son" And with that, he pat my back and left to go talk to people.

I grabbed a drink and walked around talking to some of the family members and friends "Excuse me are you Zayn?" I turned and saw the most beautiful girl that I ever saw wearing a white dress that is a bit over her knees "Wow" She blushed and I grabbed her hand pulled her close and kissed her "You look beautiful" She smiled looking at me "And you look hot I swear I wish I can take you now but we can't so after the party it is" I laughed "Let's go drink, baby and talk to people" And with that, she took me with her leaving me speechless.

*Later that night*

Yasmin was a bit tipsy but she knew what she was doing it was 11:50 pm so everyone gathered around talking and I pulled Yasmin into the middle "Zayn why we are in the middle" I shrugged putting my hands around her waist, "So anyone can see us" She chuckled and I looked at Mom.

"Everyone Zayn would like to say a few words but before thank you all for coming and happy new year from before" We chuckled and I pulled away from Yasmin I checked the time and saw that it was going perfectly "Hi everyone as you know I am Zayn and this beautiful is my girlfriend" Everyone awh and I looked at Yasmin.

"As you know my love we got back together stronger and now we have a house that we gonna arrange and make our dream home, we went through and you always were there even when we stopped which made me realize that without you I can't live" I saw her trying hard not to cry and everyone is smiling "I promise you that I do anything for you to see you happy and one day when we have our children I tell them our story and tell them that you are my rock" The countdown started so I needed to be fast "But before we go into our home I need to do something" I pulled out the box from my blazer and everyone gasped and Yasmin is in shock with tears coming down.

"Yasmin Brook I want to make this wish come true and turn the New Year with you in a special way, So" 15, 14. I kneeled on my knee "Yasmin Brook will you marry me?" She nodded her head fast and everyone cheered I sat up and put the ring on her finger and pulled her closer "I love you and Happy New Year my fiance" And with that, the clock turned midnight and I kissed her just in time and I am happy that everything went perfect.

"I can't believe it" She looked at the ring and then at me "You love it?" She gave me a look "Is that even a question?" Everyone started to congrats us and the girls took her saying something about when we come from the two-month trip they will start to plan the engagement party and the wedding so I sat down next to Babba and Rob "You did it" I nodded taking a sip from the whiskey "Now when you both come we do what the girls tell us to do" I laughed at Rob comment, "True" I can't believe I am gonna get married to the love of my life.

The party ended around two-thirty in the morning and now it's just me and Yas in the bedroom "Hello my Fiance" I love how it feels amazing coming out of her mouth "Hello my wife to be" I pulled her closer and kissed her neck "let's make our night as the first one as each other fiance's" She chuckled and pulled me to the bed.

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