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*Zayn POV*

I looked over at Yasmin who had just walked past me without talking to me, yesterday I slept as soon as we arrived and didn't hear her coming in. With the album almost finished, it made me forget everyone which is bad "Aaliyah at school?" I asked her as I put the mug  on the table, "Yes." Without even looking at me, she continued to make her tea.

"Zidan is still over at Rob?" She nodded "Can you look at me 'cause I'm talking to you" She turned raising her eyebrow, "Now you want to talk? Now you have time to sit and chit-chat? Cut the bullshit Zayn" I took a deep breath "I don't have work today and I already went to the meeting" She sat down with her mug in her hand "Can you tell me what's going on? Talk to me" I told her leaning over a bit, she laughed sarcastically while shaking her head.

"Did you know that Aaliyah passed her test? Did you know how much I declined job offers cause I feel like shit? How much I needed to hug you but you pushed me away as I tried to talk to you. Do you know how much I cry every single night? Sometimes staying awake all night cause I feel that I won't hear Zidan" I let her let out everything cause at the end of the day we need to talk and see what's wrong even though it's my fault. "I haven't dressed up a bit until yesterday, I was excited to go out and be with the others and have time together but no! Do you know that not even a kiss! I support you Zayn, I fucking do but you never put us aside like this, Zidan is fucking three months old and you barely had time with him" She sat up grabbing the mug making Rihno bark "I'm going to get ready cause I have to go, in case you forgot Zidan has his check-up today which I reminded you many times" And with that she walked past me and went upstairs.

I couldn't talk and took every word she said, I took my phone out and called my manager and Taryn on our group chat.

Taryn: Hey Bro

Nicola: What happened? 

I sighed "The album is done as we talked about at the meeting is it possible that now I have time with everyone? I had a huge fight with Yasmin" I saw Nicole nodding "We told you Zayn, that you can't just block everyone and the album has been written down for years you just needed to go over it but you blocked everyone and stayed into your bubble" She said which made Taryn agree with her, "We all support you but the way you have changed in these past few weeks it's like Zayn left and was changed with another one" Taryn spoke next, "I will talk with the company and see when we can start to promote and do stuff until we publish it" I nodded letting out the huge breath that I have kept inside, "I see you later Taryn and Nicola? Thanks. Both of you" They nodded and we hung up. I sat up, washed the mug and jogged upstairs.

She was putting on her jeans when I walked in "You look beautiful" She looked at me thru the mirror "The album is ready so now we just have to start promoting that I am going to release a new one and start doing stuff for the fans but from now on, I'm back" I said smiling "That's good. I will see you later" I grabbed her arm and pulled her to my chest hugging her, "I'm sorry let me make it up for you three" I whispered she put her hands around my waist, "Just being with us matters" She looked up at me and pecked my lips "I drive, I come with you and tonight don't cook, we will go out and even take Aaliyah out with Rihno to play cause tomorrow she doesn't have school, right?" She nodded smiling getting out of my grip "Let's go, I love you" Pecking her lips "I love you more" And with that, we walked downstairs so we could go for Zidan.


"BABA CAN WE GET AN ICE CREAM?" Aaliyah screamed running to me, "You don't want to play anymore?" Yasmin asked her as she was feeding Zidan "Nope, I want ice cream" She put her head on my shoulder, "She fed your brother and we will leave but only cause you ate dinner" She chuckled "When are we going to see Jadda and Jaddi?" I looked over Yasmin and back to Aaliyah, "We check but soon don't worry" Yasmin sat up after burping Zidan and sat him down in his pushchair, "Let's go" I sat up with my munchkin still on me and we started to walk.

Two hours later we are back home, Aaliyah is fast asleep and the same with Zidan "Thanks for spending time with us" I looked at Yasmin as I was undressing "Always! Sorry for being a jerk. Do you want to hear the album" She shook her head "Not today 'cause tonight I only want you to hold me" She whispered walking towards me, "Baby, I want you to know that you are the most gorgeous woman in the world. You are an amazing mother and wife so please start taking jobs again I am going to start helping you again with the kids. When we start to promote my album, I will make sure that I go on the dates with you so we don't crash, we are a team" I pecked her lips and from one kiss came another one and after a few, we were on the bed.

Allah thank you for helping me save my family.

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