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We decided to get ready and go for dinner then come home and do the makeup for him so that's what we did and now we are back home in our pj's on our bed. 

"Babe you are tired let's do it tomorrow or just not do it" He shook his head "Start baby" He got comfy so I begin the makeup on him. 

"Don't you think it's time to shave your beard a bit?" I was putting on the lipstick trying hard to laugh and he looked at me with those beautiful eyes that makes me fall for him even more "Yeah and also a haircut but I do them before the photo shoot" I grabbed my phone and smiled, "Whatever you are comfortable with and you are done" He sat up and looked into the mirror and burst out laughing.

It's currently two in the morning and we are laughing cause of Zayn's makeup "Come here I take a photo" He posed and I took the picture "Go take it off, my sexy wife" I tried to say in a man's voice making us laughing more.

He pecked my lips and went to remove it and I put away the stuff and went into bed and posted the photo. We are dead tired but also missed each other, "Babe, can I ask you something?" I heard Zayn asking "What's wrong? And people are commenting and laughing" I heard him laugh and he came back turning off the bathroom.

"Listen" He came into the bed and I removed the phone and snuggled into him, turning off the lights from his side and leaving only the light nap. I looked at him and he was serious "You know how many times we have sex" I frowned my eyebrows confused "Sometimes you know we don't use a condom or even we keep going" I nodded trying to figure out why he is saying this.

"You never had a pregnancy scare or when you did it was false," I think I know what he is trying to say "I am not saying that something is wrong but what if we go check it out?" I felt like I couldn't speak but nodded "We keep this between us" I said kissing his lips and he kissed me back "I love you and it's just a check-up maybe it was God giving us signs that if we had kids before we are not here today" I nodded and snuggled more into him closing my eyes.

"Yeah you are right, I love you" I felt his lips on my head "Sleep, my love, we don't have anything tomorrow so we can sleep in" That's all I heard and slipped into peaceful sleep.


*Next Morning*

I woke up and checked the time and saw it was almost noon, I rubbed my eyes and turned to Zayn's side and found it empty.

I sat up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up and after went to look for Zayn.

"Zayn?" I looked in the kitchen and living room but was nowhere to be found so I checked out back but nothing so I walked downstairs into his cave and found him on the phone.

"I get it and I will send everything by transfer" He didn't see me "Yes, that amount and make them under that name" I was so confused so I walked into the room a bit more and he turned and saw me making me smile and send him a small wave.

He walked to me and pecked my lip "I call you later" With that he hung up and looked at me "Good Morning baby" I smiled and hugged him "You woke up before me" He chuckled and I looked at him "Cause I forgot to make a call to the finance guy to send the usual money to my mom" I nodded "Let's go upstairs I make us breakfast and we get ready cause we need to be at Jack" I pulled back from the hug and started to walk but he pulled me back to him.

"I love you" I blushed "I love you more, race you upstairs" I yelled starting to run making him scream and causing me to laugh "HEY! YOU CHEATED" I laughed even more and arrived in the kitchen and sat down on the counter followed after "Oh you gonna get it" I shrugged and he laughed starting to put stuff from the fridge for breakfast.


*Zayn POV*

We are at Jack's and Val, the girls are on the patio talking and we are having a beer "Zayn yesterday when we mentioned kids you sound different and you guys left" I looked at Jack and sighs "It's nothing cause we were late for reservation" It's between me and Yas, "So in nine months we will have a mini you and Val" I changed the subject "We will take him with us for boxing fights" Max said making us laugh "It's too early to know the gender guys" Jack said drinking his beer.

"Babe, can we go shopping us girls?" I turned and saw Yasmin "Sure love" I sat her on my lap and the girls did the same "Can I take your car?" I looked at Yas "We go with mine then they drive Way home, is that okay for you babe?" Way nodded and took out his wallet and keys and gave her the keys and the credit card but she refused "Go and have fun" I looked at Yas, "Use the card that I gave you, I love you" She nodded and kissed my lips and sat up.

"From next week my girlfriend will join you" The girls nodded and said goodbye and left.

"Why you don't let her use your car, mate" I looked at Way and Jack handed us another round of beers and I lit up a joint "It's just I am scared that she won't handle them like I do. They have extras and don't want her to get hurt I mean she drove them before but with me" Max and Jack burst out laughing "Remember when she took it the first time?" I told Way the story and we kept chatting together while the girls are shopping.

I missed some boy's time and catching up but I also miss my brothers the ones I grew up with.

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