(XXI) The Den of the Beast.

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Tigress wasted no time. If she was going to destroy the dwellers, she would do it once and for all. She put on a dark coat and left her office to through from the window facing the backyard of the Imperial Palace. Little did she care about the wound she had on her leg that, even if it had been attended to correctly, bothered the pink a lot with her clothes.

Leaving the palace without being seen was an easy task. She had done it so many times at this time of night that he knew perfectly well the routines of the guards and their patrol areas. She jumped over the huge walls and disappeared into the alleys of Gongmen without a trace in the cold winter night.

In a few minutes she reached the roof of one of the roofs that was in front of the Jade Guard Headquarters, and from the heights she was trying to find an access point. Her black coat blended in with the night, and the black scarf she wore billowed in the cold winter breeze. If someone were lucky enough to see her from the street, they would be able to see her perfectly defined silhouette with the huge full moon in the background. And without a doubt, they would have thought that it was a specter that roamed the streets of Gongmen.

Despite the extreme cold, a staunch guard stood alert at the entrance to the barracks with a torch in his right hand, so using the main gate was not an option. The ceiling had no openings, and the chimney was too small for someone like her. Perhaps Viper or Mantis could slip inside, but unfortunately neither was present.

With no other options, she had to scale the walls using her sharp claws and inspect the windows one by one, with the hope that at least one was open. But she was not so lucky. She first attempted to use the window of Captain Chao's office, since it was highly unlikely that Captain Chao was still there, but his window was securely locked from the inside. Tigress could break it with a single blow, but this was a stealth mission.

She inspected many other windows but without success, until she could see a ray of hope. When checking one of the windows, it shook itself a little, hinting that it had no insurance the state was damaged. After shaking it slightly a couple of times, the faulty catch gave way, and the strong breeze snapped it open. Luckily Tigress was fast enough to avoid the shutters hitting something, having to jump inside without even knowing if it was safe or not.

When she was finally inside and was able to close the blinds, she turned around to discover that she was in a very difficult situation. She had unknowingly slipped into the barracks, where at least one dozen guards slept soundly ignoring the presence of the teacher.

Luckily for her, the room was slightly illuminated by the small flame of an oil lamp that allowed her to see the disorder that invaded the floor of the room. The guards' boots and their sticks were everywhere, more others clothing and personal items. "It would be a tedious task to organize all that" Tigress thought.

Taking small steps she managed to move towards the door of the room trying to avoid stepping on any object on the floor. It was quite a stressful task, but a strong chill ran through her body when she felt something clinging to her tail.

Startled, she turned around, only to see how one of the guards had grabbed her tail, still sleepy, and was pressing it against his chest as if it were a stuffed toy that children use to sleep with. Tigress couldn't believe her bad luck, and tried to free her tail from the guard's grasp. No matter how concentrated the teacher was, it was impossible to prevent her hair from rub the guard's nose, who seemed to start to wake up once Tigress managed to free her tail from his grasp.

Desperate to see the guard wake up, Tigress thought as fast as she could, but the only thing that occurred to her was to gently drop one of the floor socks onto his lap. The teacher crossed her fingers expecting the worst, but to her surprise, the guard simply grabbed the stocking still asleep, pressed it to his chest, and continued snoring as if nothing had happened. Now, with her heart wanting to burst out of her chest, Tigress was able to leave the place, this time with her tail in her hands.

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