(XXXV) - Epilogue

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"The years go by, and the scars heal. We fill the wounds with the few crumbs we have in life, and we seek comfort in the little things that encourage us, that encourage us... That help us to carry on. The pain It doesn't go away. It never does. But if that pain could leave us something good... Something... that was worth it... Then that pain becomes something useful."

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, and the city of Gongmen was dyed an orange hue like the petals of Climbing Trumpets. Five long years had passed since the fall of Lee, and with him, the last impurities that drained the life of the city. In those five years, the city boomed like never before, and lived in true peace. Resources were distributed equally, and even the poorest in the slums were able to enjoy life and the products of their labor. Something that before seemed just a dream.

And on that precise afternoon, Tigress was walking through a large garden inside the palace, where a quiet shelf calmed her nerves. A shelf on which stood a modest statue of Tai Lung; a memory... and a tribute. A small place where the teacher used to go to clear her mind, to remember the past, and to relive good and bad moments.

Hong: - Empress. Preparations for your trip are complete. -

Tigress: - I really still don't get used to that nickname. -

Sun Quan: - It's not a nickname. It is a recognition. -

Sun Ce: - I guess it just doesn't suit you. -

Tigress: - I agree. -

Sun Quan: - You're not helping much, little brother. -

As he said, being the last and only surviving member of the Council of Masters, Tigress was granted the title of empress, although it was only a formality. She, along with the canine and the rhino brothers, governed Gongmen and ensured its safety and prosperity. Delegating their former positions to fulfill their governmental functions.

Tigress: - Good. I guess they'll have to deal with a few days without me. - He said as he went inside the palace.

Sun Quan: - Don't worry. We will live up to your expectations. -

Sun Ce: - You don't have to be so rigid man. After five years you should have changed a bit. -

Sun Quan: - Protocols. Dear brother. I hope one day you understand. -

Sun Ce: - Yes... yes... yes. Whatever you say. -

Hong and Tigress couldn't help but laugh at the peculiar pair, who despite their imposing size, sometimes acted like little children. And speaking of little kids.

????: - Mommy. Mommy. I'm ready. - Said a sweet childish voice.

The four of them turned around to see a small tigress with white fur with black stripes, accompanied by large, bright blue eyes. She was wearing an adorable orange kimono and had a small lotus flower on her left ear. The little girl approached the group, and Tigress delicately carried her in her hands.

Tigress: - My little Lixue. Ready for the long journey. -

Lixua: - Yes mommy. I already packed all my things. -

Tigress: - What a good girl. -

Lixue: - Mommy. And where do we go? -

Tigress: - Let's go see some old friends. Let's go to the Jade Palace. -


Well... This ends this spin-off fanfic of my other fanfic (That sounds crazy). Remind them not to forget to leave me any comments or questions they have about the content. I hope you liked it a lot and support me with those stars if you really liked reading. Remind you that this is a spin-off of my other Kung Fu Panda fanfic -  Swapped Pandas and if you want to read more of this version of the story you can find it there.

Kung Fu Panda Fanfic - The Shadow of Gongmen CityWhere stories live. Discover now