Mornings with them

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It's hunters POV what a surprise
I'm an hunter angst writer the fuck do you expect? Sorry...

TWs: being held captive, implied panic attack

(This was pre-written)

-Hunters POV-

I slowly began to wake from my sleep and surprisingly it was the best sleep I've ever had- for me sleeping on a chair that is- I looked around once more to see I was still in the owl lady's living room


I jumped at the sound, it came from down the hallway in the kitchen I would imagine as it was sizzling

"Oh you're awake!" I flinched at the sudden noise
"Oops sorry, right your jumpy..." I growlef at the human
"Jeez don't need to growl at me!" She clasped her hands together
"I'm going to untie you so you can eat alright? No trying to escape or hootys gonna get you again and trust me you can't get rid of him"
The last but was a bit intimidating I will admit but the thought of her un-tieing me was great! I could try escape but again that bird worm tube...

Before I knew it I heard the ropes drop to the floor, I looked down and then back up again to see the human smiling at me

"Come on eda frying Griffen eggs!" Suddenly she grabbed my wrist and began dragging me to the kitchen
"H-HEY LET GO!" I tripped many times on the way to the kitchen, it hurt my leg and ankle alot but whatever
"Edaaa we're here!"
"Luz I said don't untie him"
"I know buttt"

The owl lady sighed before setting some plates on the table

"Come sit kid"
"Ugh do you serious make everything difficult?"
"Then sit" I sighed in defeat and sat in the chair just staring at the food
*'what if it's poisoned?!'*
*'i need to get back to the castle...'*
*'what are they going to do to me?'*

I don't know what happened but I suddenly jolted backwards and fell to the floor

"Woah kid you good?!"
"Get away from me!" I screamed
*'wait where's rascal?!'*
"W-wheres my palismen!" I scanned the room but couldn't see him anywhere
"He's fine hunter just calm down" the human said, get vocie was quite calming in a way...
"Get away!" She just sighed and continued looking at me

*'stop looking'*
*'stop stop stop stop!'*

"Hey hey calm down!" I jumped as I heard the owl lady's vocie next to me, I was confused on what was happening but I suddenly felt something roll down my cheek, was I crying...?
"Look we're going to tie you up again, more people will be round later... Just try to stay calm kid"
I hated how calm and soothing her vocie was! I wanted to just curl up and fall asleep! Titan I'm so stupid, so stupid!
"Fine..." Why am I going along with this?!

They led me back to the living room and sat me in the chair I was in before, the owl lady began tieing me up again and honestly I don't know why I haven't ran yet... Oh right the palismen! Why do I care so much for that stupid thing anyway... I shouldn't its wrong! Well atleast I think it's wrong

This was good to write, I have frequent panic or anxiety (I really can't tell the difference) attacks when people stare at me after I've cried or finished having a panic attack XD

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 600

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