Found in the Forest

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Your favourite gay flapjack is back bitches

This time I'm back with fluff!
Ofc I will add angst because I do t like all fluffy books, there just has to be angst

Ehem, this chapter may be angst but who knows? (Me-) so let's gooooo

TWS: crashing, kidnapping
(Hunter isn't bleeding for once :D)

(This was pre-written)

-Luz's POV-

I hummed to myself as I walked through the forest, I loved wondering through the forest! Who knows what you'll find! You could find treasure, valuable items, Emperor's coven scouts to kidnap and question, the golden guard-


Why am I thinking of the golden guard-? Hm odd... Well I did just meet him a couple days ago so that must be why! He's an interesting person you know? He definitely has a soft side but it's hard to open, probably from all the training and lessons they must have on 'how not to whatever they do-'


I jumped at the noise
*'did someone just crash or something?'*
*'they might be injured! I have to find them!'*
I ran off in the direction I heard the crash hoping whoever it was is okay and not badly injured.

-Hunters POV-


"AUGH!" I screamed out in pain as my body hit the floor, I felt rocks under me digging into my skin
*'this is great-'*
"Cheep? Tweet?"
"Yeah I'm fine rascal-" I slowly stod back up only to fall to my knees again, my legs felt weak
*'c'mon hunter you're the golden guard! You should be able to get up after a crash!'* I muttered a couple curses under my breath as I got up again and lend against a tree.

I was peacefully flying when all of a sudden I was shot out of the sky, I don't know who did it but they had clear intentions of hitting and hurting me.


I spun my hard around, someone's close I can hear them... Is it the person who shot me down?! Ugh I better just get moving... Rascal turned back into his staff form and I used him as a walking stick to help me walk

-Luz's POV-


Oh god dammit! I watched as the golden guards head spun around, I quickly moved behind a tree to avoid him seeing me and it suprisingly worked! I peeked around the tree to see him using rascal to help him walk.

I decided to start following him just incase something happened I don't want him getting more hurt then he already is. He seems very on edge and I would guess it's because he kinda fell out the sky at a quite fast pace I would imagine, that's gotta scare you somehow


Ugh I hate twigs! I slowly moved back behind a tree again only to peer past it to see he was gone
*'god dammit Luz! You had one job and that was follow hunter so you can make sure he doesn't get hurt more!'*

I walked in the same direction I was before for a while until I heard a familiar scream, it was hunters! I felt panic rush through me and I began running, I don't know why I cared so much but I do! He's a witch, he has feelings, he feels things-

-Hunters POV-

As I was walking I heard rustling in the Bushes, I went to use rascal before I was swept off my feat, I screamed and looked at the thing that had just attacked me to see that weird bird worm-

"Hoot hello!" It said happily
"Oh wait your the golden guard hoot!"
"Get away from me!" I pointed rascal at it
"Hoot you look injured! I have to take you to eda, she'll help hoot hoot!"
"Hey no stay away!" Before I could do anything the bird Worm wrapped itself around me and began dragging/carrying me to the owl house I guess

*'oh titan this is bad!'*
*'does this bird worm know it's kidnapping an Emperor's coven member?!'*

I struggled against its weird tube body but I was failing at every attempt, rascal had turned back into his bird form and was following close behind

Oh titan I can't believe I was just kidnapped by a fucking bird worm-


Also for anymore wondering why flapjack is being referred to as rascal, this is because this is set a couple days after 'hunting palismen' therefore durring that time flapjack wasn't named flapjack and was actually called rascal by the fandom until his name was revealed!

Also a fun fact about me and my relation to the owl house! I was in the fandom before I even knew what toh was! I use to watch stupid goldric videos before even joint the toh fandom so yeah- (this was like 2021 or something- so like early toh)

Sorry for this being so long

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 832

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