Welcome to the owl house!

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Welcome to...
The owl house!
*Outro music starts playing*

Talked about the owl house to my science teacher, apparently he's watched some of amphibia!

TWS: being held captive

(This was pre-written)

-Edas POV-

I was causally drinking adult apple blood out of my 'thirty but flirty' mug that I got around 11 years ago until hooty opened the door and dropped someone on the floor, a small red cardinal soon landing right next to the person

"Weird bird worm!" They spat, I looked down at the clothes they were wearing and immediately knew who it was
"GOLDEN GUARD!" Owlbert transformed into his staff and I pointed it at the person, their vocie sounded masculine but I couldn't be sure they were male because of the mask
"Owl lady..." They stood up but hissed and fell back down clutching their leg and ankle
"You good..?"

"EDA! I SAW THE GOLDEN GUARD CRASH LAND AND- oh hi hunter" Luz said as she barreled through the door
"Hunter?" I'm assuming they're male then
"His name eda!"
"Oh right... Bad but sad boy"
"Hey!" He yelled, he again attempted to stand but fell once more
"Look you're clearly injured so just- stay here..." I Said walking off to the kitchen leaving them alone

Hopefully he doesn't do anything to luz...

-Hunters POV-

I was now tied to a chair in the human and the owl lady's house.

First I crash land and do something to my leg and ankle, I then get kidnapped and are now being held captive. Great.

I wiggled in the ropes attempting to find a weak spot to break. I was taught how to get our of any rope knot imaginable so this should be easy...

I began fiddling around with the knot until managed to slip my fingers into a gap in the ropes, from there I managed to untie myself
*'titan those ropes were tight...'*
I slowly stod up expecting pain but I was greeted with nothing
And of course I attempted to run, I need to get back to the Emperor's castle soon anyway- as I took one step pain shot through my entire leg.

I screamed out in agony and fell to the floor, I couldn't find rascal so I can't use him for support, thousands of words flew around my head as I heard someone getting closer

"HUNTER?!" It was Luz
"Oh thank god-"
She took a deep breath
"I thought something bad happened- wait how did you get out the ropes" I stayed silent and stared at her not talking or making any nosie, she began walking towards me were I then panicked, I began kicking my legs at her only again to hit my most likely broken leg on the sofa
"AUGH!" I felt tears prick in my eyes as the pain was becoming unbearable
"Hunter!" Luz dropped to my side
"You need to stop! You're going to hurt yourself more!" I just growled at her as she placed a piece of paper on me
*'what the-'*
And all of a sudden I was levitating

I looked at her with complete shock, not like she could tell because of the mask- but whatever... she only smiled and placed me back on the chair. She elevated my leg before tieing me back up

"These aren't that tight you know?" I blurted out
"I know, don't want to hurt you more"
Why is she being so nice? All I've done is try to well- capture her and the owl lady, also where's their dog rat thing?

-Edas POV-

Some commotion was happening in the living room but I couldn't cars less right now I have to make this healing potion...

Oh titan why are these so difficult to make, why can't it be simple! Sure I'm a master at potion making since this its all I can do after losing my magic but healing potions have always been difficult, especially ones that heal broken bones.

An hour later

I sighed in relief as the potion turned blue, that means it worked, I scooped some of the potion into a glass tube and grabbed a towel.

I walked into the living room were Luz and king were tormenting hunter, I slightly chuckled before kneeling down next to them

"He's not said anything!" Luzs complained
"Well I'm not telling you jack all!" The golden guard yelled back
"Well your names hunter right?"
"That would be correct"
"Formal much?" King said sarcastically
"Shut it rat!"
King then lunged at hunter, knocking him over

"I'm not a rat!" King yelled

This is going to be great

I quite like this one, I like how I'm changing the POV alot because it feels more alive ya know? Not just focused on what hunter sees and does

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

proof read ☑️

Word count: 820

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