Interrogation: the second one

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Woah how cool (⁠⁠o⁠⁠)
I think I'm on something XD

Again mainly hunters, it will probably change but I'm currently writing this off the top of my head :D

Also I plan on watching some toh episodes (on Disney now cause I don't have Disney + anymore) sooo yeahh byeeee!

(This was pre-written)

TWS: being held captive, implied abuse mentions, threatening, kidnapping mentions

-Hunters POV-

I struggled against the ropes, belos is going to be getting suspicious now... It's normal for my mission to keep me out the castle all day but if I don't return the next day bad things can happen to me when I do return... Oh titan now I don't want to go back! But I have to, they've kidnapped me!

"Hey blondie" the owl lady said as she walked into the room
"What" I hissed
"We're going to have some people over so we can decide what to do with you"
"Oh just great" I grumbled
"Sheesh someone's grumpy"
"You'd probably be upset if you were being held captive"
"Wow you have emotions?"
"Yes I literally had a- it doesn't matter" I sighed, how bad is her memory? I literally had a panic attack like 2 hours ago-

"Hoot they're here!" Titan that bird tube is annoying as fuck... I lend forward to try see who was entering the house, I saw a purple haired girl, a navy blue haired girl and a black/brown haired boy enter
"So this is the golden guard" the purple one have me a glare while saying that
"Why haven't you take his mask off?"
"He likes it on" the human said
"He's taken it off to attempt to eat but that's all" she added
"Can't you all just let me go?! I don't want to cause yous any harm I just need to get back!" I yelled, I tugged violently on the ropes but still had no successful attempt of getting them off
"Sure golden guard" the purple one hissed

They all went over to a corner and began talking, the navy blue one and the black haired one kept glancing at me from time to time which I hated, why can't they just not stare at me? I have my own thoughts ya know, what am I saying- like they can read minds!

"So hunter right." The purple haired one said
"So do I get to know your- WHOA!" The purple haired girl summoned her palismen and pushed it against my throat
"Amity!" The human yelled
"What's your business here golden guard!"
"I don't know! I just crash landed!"
"Crash landed? I thought your staff was artificial!" She lowered the staff just a bit
"Well it is- wait, how do you know that?!"
"Luz" I glared at the human who laughed awkwardly
"Ugh of course the human told you"
"Her name's Luz!" She raised the staff back up
"Oh jeez alright!"
"Amity calm down" the navy blue haired girl placed a hand on Amitys shoulder
"We just want some information that's all!" She spoke again, honestly she seemed nicer
"Alright I guess, not like there's much to say" everyone just stared at me in shock
"It was that easy!" The human yelled
"You guys need to try being reasonable and nice once and a while" the navy blue haired girl giggled
"I am nice" the human pouted
"Yes I know Luz"

They all want back to the corner and I was sat there wondering what the fuck they were talking about

"Cheep" I flung my head around to see rascal
"Rascal!" I whisper yelled
"Can you get us out!" He chirped in agreement and pecked at the ropes until they broke
"Staff form buddy" he turned into his staff form, i grabbed him and made a run or well a hop- for the exit

"He's escaping!" Amity yelled
"Come over rascal we gotta go!" I hoped onto rascal and began flying off. All was well until vines shot out if the floor and yanked me back down, what was better is a hit my leg and holy titan I swear I've never felt more pain in my life

"AHH!" I clutched my leg and rascal came to my side, I looked up at the people towering over me
"Get away!"
"Come on hunter we just want answers!" The human whined
"On what?! What could I possibly tell you that's useful!?"

Ultimately I was dragged back inside and that healing potion kicked back in again

"Look belos, day of unity all that stuff is helpful" the owl lady said
"It's just a day to unite with the titan, that's all"
"Knowing belos it wouldn't be, and that's why we want you to help us!"
I laughed
"You want to prove that my uncle's evil! And you think I will help" I laughed again before abomination goop was wrapped around my mouth
"Well there's not much we can do with the kid" eda sighed
"We can kill him" amity cracked her knuckles
"Yeah!" The black haired kid yelled
"Gus no!"
"Oh right- No!" He giggled and looked back at me
"Damn you look tired..." I just blinked at him and yet he smiled

*'optomistic'* I made a mental note, I gotta learn their personalities so maybe I can use it against them, who knows in this crazy world!

"Well this interrogation was worst then the last" king said randomly
"Sure was king" the human said picking him up
"Well what do we do now?" The navy blue haired girl asked
"I don't know Willow, maybe we could try convert him to wild magic!" The human said cheerfully
Eda laughed
"You think the emperor's nephew would betray him?"
"Well we just have to convince him!"

My stay here is going to be hell and it already really is, oh titan help

Idk what to do lmaooooo

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 996

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