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[ yeah, no, SMUT WARNING again. mark's staying busy ]




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☆︎ MAY, 1999 ☆︎

Luca was having an embarrassingly difficult time trying to replace one of the strings on his guitar. The band was put up in a fairly nice hotel, and the two rooms connected with a large living room between them. He was on the bed he was sharing with Isaiah — Jackson pushed them both to the side and loudly declared the other queen-sized bed as his and his alone the night before.

The Woodsboro Killers were asked to perform at the premiere of Stab 2 just before the movie began, which wasn't until the next day, but he wanted to get it over with as he tuned his guitar. He could hear the rest of his bandmates — sans their lead guitarist — messing around in the other room.

Just when Luca was about to finally get the string properly fitted on his instrument, the phone on the nightstand rang, making him flinch and lose his grip. He grumbled under his breath while reaching for the phone, figuring it was one of their parents or Virginia checking on them while they were in such a big city.

"Hello?" he asked, just pushing his guitar to the side. He could get Jackson to do it later.

"Hey, Lu," Indiana greeted on the other end, keeping her voice down low.

Luca sat up instantly, as they hadn't seen Indiana since the gig at the bar last night. "Indiana Winger, where the hell are you?"

"Well, uh, I'm at some guy's apartment," she said, sounding fairly sheepish and tired. "Just calling to check in and let you know I'm not dead."

"Are you about to head back here?" he asked. "Rod wants us to be at a fitting for our clothes for the premiere in an hour."

Indiana just let out a hum, making his suspect she was about to say she wouldn't be making it. "See, uh, he just headed to the shower and made a very good offer for me to join him. And then he's gonna make me breakfast. So, ya know, I think I'm gonna be a touch late, or not there at all."

"Breakfast? It's twelve in the afternoon," he said with a frown.

"I mean, we didn't exactly do a lot of sleeping, Lu," she said, sounding quite amused. "Look, I've got to go, but just make sure the others don't get too pissed."

Luca just laughed. "Jack was worried sick about you, and Rod is gonna be so mad about this. No way I can keep them from freaking out just because you wanted to get laid. You need to just come back now."

"Luca, you have to understand. The others won't because Soph likes girls, so does Jackson, and Isaiah is still our token virgin. But you'll get it," she said in a very serious tone. "I don't have the strength to leave yet."

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