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and if you are an isaiah girlie, there is a heartbreaking tiktok that had me grinning like a monster as I made it if you wanna go look at it

also I probably won't be updating again until monday or tuesday because my brother is getting married this weekend ( don't congratulate them it's a stressful rushed nightmare and they don't need to be getting married rn ) ]



☆︎ SEPTEMBER, 1999 ☆︎

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☆︎ SEPTEMBER, 1999 ☆︎

Mark began loosening his tie the moment he stepped into his dark apartment, tired after a long day of work. Sure, he'd saved a little boy who was kidnapped while riding his bike, but now all he could think about was grabbing a beer and relaxing. He'd bruised his ribs badly when tackling the man responsible for taking the boy, and Mark was certainly feeling it now that the adrenaline was all gone.

He let out a groan as he lowered himself onto his couch while also reaching for his remote. And while scrolling through the channels, he rested his cold beer bottle against his side, wishing he'd of grabbed an ice pack as well before sitting down.

One of the first things Mark learned after going into law enforcement was that he hated watching the news. His job was already dark and depressing enough in a town full of so much crime, but he found himself turning the channel to E! News — he didn't really consider it a news channel.

Two anchors named Todd and Ellise were on screen with footage of some kind of award show airing behind them on the green screen. The detective recalled vaguely about something happening that required a lot of their officers to help direct traffic and cover security, but he didn't know the details since he wasn't involved.

"Tonight, the MTV Video Music Awards were held in Los Angeles and hosted by comedian, Chris Rock," Todd was saying. "The last award was given moments ago to Fatboy Slim's video Praise You for Best Choreography in a Video. It also was awarded Breakthrough Video."

"But he was not the big winner of the night, was he, Todd?" Ellise asked, grinning brightly.

"No, he was not."

"The Woodsboro Killers, who released their music video for their hit song Happening Again a mere three days before the cutoff for this award season—"

"And they were lucky they did," Todd chimed in as Ellise nodded.

"Yes, they were, because they went home tonight with four awards — Best Editing, Best Direction, Best Special Effect. Boy, that horror makeup sure was spooky," Ellise said, shivering for effect. "And then they also won Best New Artist in a Video."

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