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☆︎ FEBRUARY 4TH, 2000 ☆︎

Mark was driving through the studio lot, going a little too fast for comfort for those walking around the set — which wasn't very fast at all, but still, he was a police officer.

"Slow it down!" a man shouted as they passed.

"Sorry!" Mark yelled back, cringing a little. But Dewey had already parked his car, and Mark didn't want them walking around the set without one of them following them.

"Watch the fuckin' aliens," Wallace said, wincing as two actors in costumes raced in front of the car.

Finally, the undercover cruiser came to a stop, and Mark looked at his partner. "I'm gonna go talk to the studio brass about those photos."

Wallace rolled his eyes and gave him a pointed look. "Yeah, right. I know where you're goin'."

Mark just scoffed. "Yeah, keep an eye on Indiana and Sidney."

"I know where you're goin'," he said again, sounding more amused than annoyed. "You're gonna get her some flowers and candy, huh? Huh?"

"Gimme a break," he mumbled.

"Mark," Wallace said, shaking his head. After Isaiah's death and seeing Indiana's genuine reaction to the loss, he no longer suspected she was working with the other killer. "Ignoring the fact that there's gonna be a big meeting with HR at the end of this, it's just not a good idea."

"I know it's not," Mark said, keeping his voice down since the window was rolled down. "But I can't help it. She's... fuck, I'm falling for her. I have been since June."

"Yeah, I know. I was there to greet you all those mornings after when you came into work," he grumbled. But then he shook his head. "Her friend just died, though. You're gonna be the last thing on her mind."

"I know," he said softly, looking through the windshield, watching Indiana as she got out of the car, pushing and shoving Jackson as they both tried to fit through the door. "But I'll be here when she's ready. She's the kind of person worth waiting for."

"Well, good luck with that one," Wallace said with a sigh. Then he got out of the car. "And gimme a call."

"Yeah, just keep your eye on her," he told him before driving off. And as he passed, Indiana, who was now hanging off Jackson's back, met his eye through the window of his car, an unreadable emotion on her face.

"I thought Detective Dreamy was coming with us," Randy commented, also watching him go.

Indiana narrowed her eyes at him. "How'd you even hear about that name? Luca isn't even here."

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