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My feet hurts from walking around so much, Teyshawn had told me we'd be going for a "simple" walk only for him to be miles ahead of me.

Him and Liana are my only 2 friends at the moment, and there's of course michael but he's so busy. Like always.

We've been seeing each other less and less for some reason, it pains me a little but I know this is how things will have to be to keep my brother off our backs.

Thinking of him somehow brung his contact across my phone.

"Yea, where you at?" He asked.

"With a friend."

"What friend ? Liana?"

"No. Teyshawn. He used to be my best friend back in stl before I moved here."

"Oh okay, why you sound like that."

"I miss you."

"I miss you more sos, I'm sorry for being so distant lately, I'll come by when u get home. Spend the rest of your day with me."

"I guess." I said before hanging up.

My attitude was maybe unnecessary but I just want attention.

> Solàna do I need to come get you

< no, I'm fine where I'm at.

> I'm on my way

A small smile made its way to my face, because maybe this was a little manipulative I just missed my man.

I finally caught up with Teyshawn and he sighed looking at me, "couldn't keep up?"

"No ma'am." I said shaking my head.

"I'm finna go in a minute actually, my man is stopping by." I told him and he shook his head.

"You gotta be stopped." He said and i shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you happy that im in loveeeee ?" I asked but his face was more serious.

He stopped walking and placed his hands on the sides of my head,

"You've told me the situation, yes I am happy for you but I also worry about this little heart of yours, how long before your brother finds out and things get crazy, be careful please." He said looking me dead in the eye.

I didn't say anything so he said something for me, "There's your ride craziness, I love you." He said to me.

"I love you more." I said as I hopped into his car.

Michael grabbed my hand and looked at me concerned, "I don't need to beat some ass do I?"

I laughed bringing myself out of thinking of what Teyshawn had just told me.

"No it's fine, im fine." I turned my head to actually looked at him, I had missed him so much, like lord knows how much, it's been a week entirely too long.

"You sure-

I wasted no time climbing over and kissing him gently on his lips, I missed this, I missed him.

"Don't ever go that long without seeing me again." I stressed and he proceeded to put the car in park pulling me all the way over to his lap.

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head in his neck but he wanted to see me so he he lifted my head.

"Sos I can't hide this anymore, I can't, I wanna post you, I wanna show you off, I wanna be able to walk in your crib and make love without worrying about who's gonna catch us. The next time I have to make an effort to hide, im not. I want the real thing not -

"Are you trying to get us killed?" I asked and he sighed.

"Sos, im just looking out for our future, eventually I'm gonna ask you to be my girlfriend, eventually I'm going to want you to be my wife and the mother of my kids, that's impossible in private." He spoke softly.

I realized I had been so focused on right now, not thinking how I'd also get bored of hiding and sneaking around. It may be fun now but I, the feeling my heart gets from him is beyond just for the moment.

"I wanna build with you princess."

"At what cost ?"

"I'll give all of this street shit up for you, just say the word." He caressed my cheek as i worriedly stared into his eyes

"You and my brothers friendship?" I asked searching for some bit of hope in his eyes.

"I would rather lose that bond than break his sisters heart. If I chose that friendship over us, that leaves you without my love. That breaks you and me, I can't come to terms with myself if I do that to you. I think he'd be even more disappointed seeing the both of us unhappy." He said.

"You are always happy tho Michael I'm sure-

"If you walked away right now I would lose it sos, I would fucking go crazy. That's how bad I need you."

I smiled and started laughing. He rolled his eyes, "Chill im still a real nigga, be cool."

"Real nigga my ass, I really hold that much power over you?" I asked and he started blushing, awnnnnn.

"We both know how much power I hold over you." He said and i shoved him.

"Nigga what-

He started kissing me on my lips and I smiled in between each one, "Don't start Micheal."

He dragged his kisses down to my neck and I started to feel myself weaken underneath his touch, and I let my eyes close.

"You good?" He asked as he let his tongue drag along my neck.

I could feel him sucking but I didn't care, he knew better than to leave love bites on me.

When he pulled away I begged for more but he just tapped my thigh.

"We gotta go eat baby, I made reservations for brunch at this white people place, we already black we can't be black and Late."

I sighed rolling my eyes and hopping back into my seat, "I guess."

He looked over and rubbed my thigh, "Don't be like that, I'll pick you up tomorrow and we can do as much kissing and take as many naps as you want."

My eyes lit up, "Promise?"

"I promise Sos."


Authors Note

- things get pretty hectic these next few chapters so stay tuned for another chapter

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