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The ride was quiet at first then he asked if I smoked weed and I said no. We were currently waiting outside of the Deli they said it'd be a 20 minute wait.

"You sure this isn't getting in the way, i know earlier you said you had to be at the studio." I said softly, my feet were up now and it was starting to get cold but I was much too shy to tell him to turn on the heat.

"Nah you good." He said before going back to his phone.

Also I was low key turned on by every move this nigga was making, watching him roll up the blunt and lick it and he looked so fine driving earlier.

I was just staring at him roll up, he looked good. He caught me staring and I started to blush and turn my head away and he smiled and shook his head, "You been staring at me this whole ride, wassup?" He asked and I looked at him.

I smiled, "Nothing, I was just...looking."

"mhmm come here." He told me, I was hesitant at first but I leaned over to him. He placed his hand underneath my chin making butterflies appear in my stomach. He wiped my cheek and an eyelash was on his finger, he was about to blow it off but I told him to wait.

"We gotta make a wish first." I said and he smiled in amusement at me.

"I made mine." He said and i blew the lash off his finger.

"Gonna tell me what you wished for?" I asked leaning back in my seat, "It's not gone come true if I tell you and plus the food might be done." He said and he was right.

20 minutes had passed.

"You right let's go."

The line inside was long and the men in there kept looking at me making me uncomfortable a bit until I felt Dantès arm wrap around my waist. I looked up at him but he wasn't paying attention, his face was in his phone. I guess he knew i felt uncomfortable which was nice.

Soon it was our turn to get the food, Dantè was the one to grab it and he placed his hand in mine and we both left out and soon as we got in the car he turned on the heat.

"I see why von don't like yo ass going out alone. All niggas do is stare at you. It makes you uncomfortable, i can tell." He said and I played it off with a smile.

"Yes, a lot actually but thank you honestly." I said and he shook his head, "No problem, let's get out of here before von be tripping."

He let me play my music, I only played bryson tiller surprisingly he knew it all. Before getting out his car he had me put my number in his phone, telling me he'd call me after his studio session.

He's...I wanna know more about him.



My mind was fucking gone. When I get high I forget about everything.

"Dantè?" I heard quincy say, I looked over at him.

"Huh?" I asked, and he looked at me like something bad happened.

"Your mother...she...she just passed and they want you-

My high wore off fast, my mind went everyone and my heart started racing.

"What the fuck you mean she passed quincy? This better be some type of joke or some. I just talked to her." I told him and he shook his head.

"She was shot, shootout by her crib and...she was in her house sleep and bullet went through her house to her." He said. My eyes started to well up.

"What hospital?"

"The one up the street."

"I gotta go, we wrapping this session up."


At the hospital I was in a room, looking at her lifeless, as they handed me all her jewelry she was wearing.

She was all I had left in this shit. Just fucking Why. Of all people my mother.

Niggas getting killed for this shit. I promise. Every single last on of em. both sides.

I grabbed my phone and called von.

"Be ready tomorrow, they got my moms."


Authors Note

Okay so yes that was a lot. rejuvenation is what we all need

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